Is not so much that they put him on the cover, But he freaking looks like one of the Jonas Brothers in that pic.![]()
Like, why choose that pic in particular?
That's a picture of him. That's what he looks like.

Is not so much that they put him on the cover, But he freaking looks like one of the Jonas Brothers in that pic.![]()
Like, why choose that pic in particular?
you would be surprised how many girls think so actually
(seriously, he has a following)
Is not so much that they put him on the cover, But he freaking looks like one of the Jonas Brothers in that pic.![]()
Like, why choose that pic in particular?
They put Manson on the cover once too. They're so clever.![]()
you would be surprised how many girls think so actually
(seriously, he has a following)
Daddy issues.
Daddy issues.
Incredibly insensitive and ridiculously idiotic! Nothing clever about it!
This just rewards killer scum bags! What message is this sending out! Seriously outrageous journalism.
I can understand that some might think of it as glorifying the killer, but the magazine has used the same image, untouched, that loads of media outlets used in the aftermath of the bombing. Rolling Stone's job is to sell issues, but also get people to read the article it points to. What's in the article? Is it an article worth reading? Does it enlighten readers as to how a seemingly 'normal' young adult can transform into an extremist nutjob? Is that of value?
I don't know, I'm not a regular RS reader and I haven't read the article - but I'm not sure if it's a simple case of 'this guy is being glorified because he's photo is on a cover of a magazine'. All the publicity actually has me interested in reading it.
I don't read RS nor do I intend on reading the article. That aside, in my opinion this does nothing else but glorify the killer. By all means put an article in the magazine, but to give him front cover exposure
It is incredibly insensitive for the poor victims/families that were caught up in that terrible atrocity.
The message this sends out is just wrong in my opinion.
What about putting a poor victim on the cover and then running the same article on the inside maybe? I tell you why they didn't. They knew this would be far more controversial thus standing a better chance of selling more issues. Well I hope that backfires and people see sense and leave it on the shelf. Your above comment proved my point entirely.
Apparently all this time I've been trying to get on the cover of Rolling Stone the HARD way.