Fable 3

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Peter Molyneux announced Fable III at GamesCom in Germany.

He can stick this game up his ass I bought into the hype that was Fable 2 and found out it was just RPG lite where all you had to do was follow the yellow line and fight a bunch of pirates or slavers. Now Oblivion and Fallout 3 there is some real RPG's.
Now Oblivion and Fallout 3 there is some real RPG's.

:lecture Quoted for Truth!!!

Although Fable 2 wasn't really bad, I still had a feeling about how it could be so much more. The freeroaming world wasn't exactly freeroaming since there were loading screens beyond parts of the world. Come on Molyneux, we want an Oblivion like world which is really one big world!
And please make the game longer and bigger than Fable II!!!
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PASS!!! the first one was a huge let down for me. why?? because i completed it in ONE weekend. yes, i know i wasted a lot of time from my life, but that is no excuse. no respectable RPG should be completed in under 30-40 hours.
i did not fall for the Fable 2 hype. i decided to wait to rent it until after the verdict was out. i'm glad i did. from watching my friend play it i decided there wasn't enough stuff in the game to make me spend the money on it.
PASS!!! the first one was a huge let down for me. why?? because i completed it in ONE weekend. yes, i know i wasted a lot of time from my life, but that is no excuse. no respectable RPG should be completed in under 30-40 hours.
i did not fall for the Fable 2 hype. i decided to wait to rent it until after the verdict was out. i'm glad i did. from watching my friend play it i decided there wasn't enough stuff in the game to make me spend the money on it.

I thought fable 2 brought in some interesting aspects like collecting rent even when the game is turned off. I did tire of fighting bandits in the exact same places all the time.
He can stick this game up his ass I bought into the hype that was Fable 2 and found out it was just RPG lite where all you had to do was follow the yellow line and fight a bunch of pirates or slavers. Now Oblivion and Fallout 3 there is some real RPG's.


I felt like I was playing an RPG designed for 10 year olds. Maybe that's why a certain douche pickle liked it so much. :lecture
Ugh. Fable 2 was utter crap. I'll pass on a 3rd go round just because I don't want a ^^^^ ton of townsfolk following me around telling me how they want a ring and how they want me to marry them with the same crappy dialogue.
He can stick this game up his ass I bought into the hype that was Fable 2 and found out it was just RPG lite where all you had to do was follow the yellow line and fight a bunch of pirates or slavers. Now Oblivion and Fallout 3 there is some real RPG's.


I got suckered as well.
How did that used car salesman become head of a game studio?
Say it with me and say it loud: "No mo money fo Molyneux!!"
Probably a pass for me, as well. I think the best RPG I've played in recent years would be Mass Effect. It was like playing an amazing science fiction film, with the best digital performances I've seen in any video game.
I really like Fable 2, so I'll be playing the next one. I agree 2 wasn't everything he s aid and Molyneux has a habit of running his mouth and giving false promises but I still enjoyed it for what ti was. I won't be buying Fable 3 this time a round but I'll definitely get it from Gamefly.
To be fair, I always liked the stories of Fable better than Oblivion. However Fallout 3 had a pretty solid story. I hope this time around, there will be even more things to do.
Box art:

Hopefully they take a little more time polishing this time. Fable 2 had too many annoying bugs, great game but it could get on my nerves at times. I remember my game would always run fairly slow after playing on the file for a while, annoying.

PASS!!! the first one was a huge let down for me. why?? because i completed it in ONE weekend. yes, i know i wasted a lot of time from my life, but that is no excuse. no respectable RPG should be completed in under 30-40 hours.
i did not fall for the Fable 2 hype. i decided to wait to rent it until after the verdict was out. i'm glad i did. from watching my friend play it i decided there wasn't enough stuff in the game to make me spend the money on it.

KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect... heck nearly every Bioware RPG can be completed under 40 hours.
Hopefully they take a little more time polishing this time. Fable 2 had too many annoying bugs, great game but it could get on my nerves at times. I remember my game would always run fairly slow after playing on the file for a while, annoying.

PC I am assuming?