Super Freak
I loved the ending!
Gotta love BTTF references
Maybe i need to rewatch, I just remember walking away thinking you couldn't air quite a bit of the episode.
Some things off the top of my head:
While the show's walked the line with racial humor before, I think Brian's comment about Lando probably would have gotten that dialogue kept off the air, definitely Stewie using the force to choke the guy's chicken at the end would never have made it.
But certainly, the whole punchline of the carbon freezing scene would be lost on the air, maybe still funny with a bleep, some things are, but uncut I think it's really funny because it's not just the words but the delivery.
Wow. I hate to derail the fun train here but...
After reading all of the positive buzz in here about this show and having enjoyed several episodes of the regular show over the years, I picked this up and finally sat down and watched it.
Awful. Just awful. A chuckle or two, but not the complete laughfest folks in here are seeing. One slavish recreation of a scene after another punctuated by groan-inducing purile humor that just wasn't funny.
The only things I really laughed at here the opening crawl and the jabs Peter and Chris were throwing at each other at the end about Robot Chicken doing a better job poking fun at SW...Chris is right. RC was better(ie: FUNNY)...
As I said, I've found the insensitive, over-the-top gags on Family Guy pretty hilarious now and again...but not this time.
I picked up the Best Buy Exclusive set with the T-shirt and lunch box today.
When you watch it, you'll understand, you can't air this, and if you did it would suck because whole segments would be gone or half the dialogue would be blipped
I still have to pick this set up. Did the lunchbox have an old school thermos too?
I've stayed out of this thread recently since I was waiting for my copy arrive. I just finished watching it. In short, it was okay. I actually liked Blue Harvest better.
Nope, the lunchbox is plastic but it is made by Thermos. I only wanted it for the Blu Ray and T-Shirt. I love the Giant Chicken Boba Fett shirt but I was expecting a cover art T-shirt like Target had as the exclusive for Blue Harvest.
Anyone know if they are going to make a T-shirt of the cover art or not?