Fantastic Four reboot

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Can’t wait for the sequel!!!

Calling it now, it will be the best superhero movie of whatever year is comes out.
Can’t wait for the sequel!!!

Calling it now, it will be the best superhero movie of whatever year is comes out.


If he wanted, Toby Kebbell could easily throw Fantastic Four director Josh Trank under the bus, especially as the majority of the movie's issues have been blamed on the "troubled" filmmaker. However, could it be interference from Fox and producer Simon Kinberg (who has talked a lot lately about the franchise needing a lighter tone) be the ones at fault for what went wrong with the reboot?

"I tell you, the honest truth is [Trank] did cut a great film that you’ll never see," the actor revealed in a recent interview with The Daily Beast. "That is a shame. A much darker version, and you’ll never see it." B-Roll footage showed off the Fantasticar, while early trailers did point to a much darker tone than the generic blockbuster territory the heavily reshot second half of the movie had upon release.

Kebbell then went on to reveal that he didn't take part in those reshoots and that a sequence featuring Victor Von Doom's (a.k.a. Victor Domashev) horrific transformtion into Doctor Doom ended up being cut altogether . "I played Doom in three points: Walking down a corridor, killing the doctor and getting into the time machine, and lying on the bench. They were the only times I played Doom. Everything else was some other guy, on some other day… doing some other thing. I was infuriated that he was allowed to limp like that! I missed the press tour for Planet of the Apes because I was lying under rubble, slowly rising out of the ashes to be Doctor Doom. Never made it to the film! There are always frustrations with these tent poles. But it generally comes from the script changing, sadly enough. But I’m very proud of my work. I’m also just as heartbroken as the fans are."

Fantastic Four was never going to be the comic book accurate film most fans hoped for, but it does seem like it could have still been great given the chance. We'll probably never get the full story on what went wrong with this one, but you can't deny it would be interesting to see Trank's first cut...

If only Ryan Reynolds could leak the original cut :gah:
The bandwagoners wouldn't care if Trank's original cut won The Palme d'Or.

Disney/Marvel lovers were ready to hate this movie from the moment it was announced. The fact that FOX tried to appease them [by adding humor in the reshoots and completely removing the original third act] is just tragic. They should have left this movie as dark as it was for the test screenings (who criticized it for being too dark).

Trank's superior cut will eventually be released, just won't make a difference to the Feige Disciples who think everything will be better under him, even after two dreadful Thor movies, two mediocre Iron Man sequels and the forgettable AOU.
Alright my dear Fellow Freaks. The time has come for me to shed light to this film. I'm reading a lot more of you are seeing it at the movies and most of the reviews up about it are right. It's very sad and reading how Trank and Fox both ****ed over the movie is unbelievable. It's mainly Fox's fault for sure because the whole time Friday Night sitting through the movie was like. "Something is completely wrong." Let's get onto it shall we? Oh yeah Spoiler alerts below.:wave

I will admit the first about 40 minutes was probably the best part. The starting showing Reed "Miles Teller" and Ben's "Jamie Bell" friendship from childhood was cool. Reed wanting to explore teleportation and building a homemade machine was cool too. Based in 2007 and then goes to present day at a science fair when Franklin Storm "Reg E. Cathey" and Susan "Kate Mara" come by and want Reed to join there team. We meet Von Doom "Toby Kebbell" which I thought his character is complete and utter ********. He starts off being crazy and looking like a dirty hobo then has a thing for Sue but at the end says **** it I'm killing her. What the **** man! Make up your damn mind! Anyways well we meet him and Franklin is keeping an eye on him for the reasons he's "crazy". We also meet Johnny which man is his character not shed out enough. Johnny storm is sort of like Tony Stark but younger. I think Chris Evans did the character better. Michael B. Jordan didn't do his character enough justice as Johnny Storm and it made him turn out to be "Well yeah I'm a bad ass but hell I'll be nice too." I wanted to see him poke more fun at people and be that *******. Well to sum p how that character gets involved in the project he wrecks his car in drag racing and his daddy takes it away and says you must earn it back. Yep that's how he gets involved. So they all except Ben work on the teleporter and successfully built and functioned by sending chimpanzees through and they make it there and back alive. The government wants to send NASA through it instead of the team who build it. Our heroes get drunk and Reed and Doom are all like "Let's break the law and be like Neal Armstrong *******!" So yeah... reed calls Ben to join and all four of them go into the teleporter and go to the other universe where they kept getting the rock material from. The teleportation was a success and they end up on the planet. All four are amazed and they decided "Lets go explore!" So they do and **** goes wrong and Doom gets green acid on him and dragged away by the rocks. yes I'm not ******** you and when he was getting ooze from teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on him it was so horrible I laughed a bit. Terrible. The other three make it back to the pods to go back and Sue noticed they all were launching the device without permission and tries to help bring them back. Well the weirdest part that really bugs me is how Reed, Ben and Johnny get there powers. I always prefer if someone is going to get abilities do it in a way where it's a random draw. We all know who suppose to be who but damn was this scene pathetic. Ben getting attacked by rocks, Johnny getting flamed to death and Reed's pod not closing and he gets the stretching ability. Really? Oh the worst one has to be when Sue gets the machine to work and come back her own computer shoots a invisible beam at her. I thought that was so stupid I couldn't believe it. A computer gives her the powers. Well we are at the point of the movie where everything should start getting roe entertaining and pick up. Nope this is where I started losing interest. Basically all four of our fellow heroes are being tested by the government. Reed escapes and leaves for a year to do nothing what so. The only emotional part of the movie has to be when Ben is crying for Reed and Reed just leaves him. The only sympathy and character I liked besides Reed. So the government comes in and tells the three of them they will help find a cure when we know they will do jack ****. Even Franklin Storm should know that because he was going to fight for them to go through the machines and be the first to step on the planet. He lets it slide and just smiles. Well they ask Sue and Ben to go find Reed which they do. It was lame honestly and basically bring him back and interrogate him to help finish the 2.0 teleportation device. t that moment in the film I could hear Mission Impossible playing and I was just thinking to myself " I wish I was there right now." Basically he helps build the machine back and they send a crew to the other planet which the formation changes and oh wait Doom is still alive! They bring him back and they were trying to ask him about the planet and he starts exploding heads and wants to go rule the universe he is in and take down the one he's on. The fight scenes between the team and Doom was terrible. The teleporter taking the earth apart was lame because the whole time it was happening. Where are all of the people? None! Just cars, planes etc. They defeat Doom by pushing him into the beam of the teleporter and he died. The heroes get there own building in the middle of nowhere and have a moment of deciding what to name themselves. Oh yeah the Fantastic Four! The End. More like Fantastic it wasn't actually Marvel. In the end of it all my fellow freaks it really sucked. Me and my girlfriend couldn't believe the reviews about it so we went to see it for ourselves to really see if it was true and boy were they. %9 on Rotten Tomatoes, 4.7/10 on IMBD and Metacritic is a 27%. It went down more as all three had a bit of a higher score but nope it was garbage. The story fell flat and was very dull. A lot was taken out since the trailer switched scenes around .What happened t them dropping the Thing from the air? Nope we get him with no pants Hulking out. Oh yeah and remember in the trailer when Reed was hoping on the chair? they switched that with Johnny. Again the story was pretty dull and for a cast that is was pretty good they all fell flat. I hated Kate Mara's performance. She had no connection with Reed which is very important. She and Doom were the worst part of the film form e. I thought Reed and Ben's relationship was the best part. Miles Teller and Jamie Bell did what they had to do and Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm was a miss too. Reg E. Cathey as Franklin Storm was alright. He just seemed to be that nice guy and Johnny was just jealous of Sue the adopted sister. I wish they explored more with that because they didn't go into Johnny's issues with his dad and even "Spoiler Alert" When Doom kills him in the end it was suppose to be a emotional scene but nope I didn't feel one bit sad when he died. Sue and Johnny's reaction was cry then battle and be all fine. Lame. Bland story and acting with minor hits at times, Effects were crap at times but the Thing effects were the best, music score was alright, not enough action and too dull. Overall this movie was doomed. I was looking forward to a modern darker take on Fantastic Four but instead we get this garbage of a movie and people saying this was better than Ant-man is loads of ****. Ant-Man is he best Marvel film this year hands down. When the movie was starting and the Marvel logo was showing up I didn't get the butterflies I usually do. That's a problem right there. This didn't feel like a Marvel movie either just a random movie about kids who get monster powers. It really didn't feel like a Marvel movie and that's it's mistake. It wasn't even a superhero movie really. I don't know who to blame but seems like Trank and Fox were having issues and the man has only did one other film. In the end of it all don't see this movie. But if you do put aside all the reviews and stuff you have read and just watch it for yourself. I'm done I think I said all I can say about the film. It really had potential but I think Fox screwed up what Trank was trying to go for and I bet the actually film that was cut would of probably been good. I think I'll take watching the Tim Story Fantastic Four movies over this garbage. I'm out of here!:cuckoo:[emoji38]
You know I bet there is a really good cut of this film somewhere in fox's studio. I would love to see that film. Here's my review from a year ago when it came out and I can remember the feelings all over again. I want to actually watch the film and try to give it another go. I want a good fantastic four movie I really do and I like the cast a lot but some were not flushed out enough. I remember Miles Teller and Jamie bell being the best in the film. I like Michael b Jordan, Kate Mara and Toby kebbell but they were the worst of the films if I can recall and the character development was not pushed. Reading my review is like bringing back some of the memories. I would love to see the original cut released and i was hoping for that to come to blu ray but we got stuck with the theatrical dumbed down release which is going into the 5 buck bin. I'm tempted to pick it up and watch it again. I'm a marvel nerd and willing to give a film another chance but I do remember this film just making me upset on how ****ed up it went. Definitely deserved the ratings it got but I remember it also had some big potential


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Wake me up when someone gets freaking doom right.

^ This. Next to Moon Knight, Doom's my favourite character in all of fiction, and it pains me that we still haven't seen a version of him that gets even one aspect of his character right. I want the Doom who can bend both science and magic to his will. I want the Doom who took over a country while still in his 20s. I want the Doom who is bound be a sense of honor. In general, I want DOOM. That, or I'm just a Disney **** Rider. I mean, that's always an option...
Looking at that last panel, I thought it said DOOM: Behind the TRANNY......

Which would explain a White Doom.....