Fear The Walking Dead

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Re: Another Walking Dead Show Confirmed

I loved “Laura”. There were some strange plot holes, but I was engaged and interested the whole time.
What the ****? Are they going to explain why those walkers - rather than simply following the course of the bridge they were on - were instead so determined to fall over the side of it and into that river? They actually bothered to force their way through the blockade John and Laura put up there. Why? What was attracting them over the side of that bridge?

Why did they all automatically then go for the house? Unless they actually see or hear people wouldn't they have just walked on by? And Laura should have been dead right there with 5 or 6 walkers on top of her and/or John would have accidentally shot her too.

Suppose it was an OK episode other than these inexplicable contrivances.

I think there was a walker in the car that fell down into the river that was making noise, getting the attention of all the other walkers on the bridge, I don't recall if walker noise attracts other walkers or not but I think that was what they were going for? :dunno :huh pushing it, I know, but they wanted to set up that dual-wield action later on
I think there was a walker in the car that fell down into the river that was making noise, getting the attention of all the other walkers on the bridge, I don't recall if walker noise attracts other walkers or not but I think that was what they were going for? :dunno :huh pushing it, I know, but they wanted to set up that dual-wield action later on

Ding! Ding! Ding! Correct, there was a walker making noise inside the truck (?) that was in the river.
I've always found time jumps annoying. You're trying to get into one story thread and they immediately break from it to an entirely different time period for the sake of, I dunno, artiness. I'm not a big fan of Westworld as you can imagine.
Not up2 date yet.. but its kind of crazy that this show became better then the original TWD ....
eight episodes of time jumps can get annoying. Even more annoying is when a character is dead but their still there the next week, and the week after and the week after......etc
After three seasons I never cared for any of the cast members. In comes S4 and I instantly am engaged with Morgan, Cowboy and Journalist. That first episode was the best of all FTWD. This is a reboot now. That last scene in the mis season finale is essentially the small TWD group camping on that cliff in S1. Only difference we have seen the Prequel episodes 8 for morgan and three for FTWD cast. You can even argue this is a reboot for TWD as well!!
Kinda get the feeling they realized sometime last year that this show had near zero interesting characters. The Clarks were not a compelling bunch. So, they killed off a couple of snoozers, got the young pretty one angry, imported Morgan from TWD ... and then just started making-up random interesting characters. A gunslinger cowboy with a heart of gold. A slightly annoying journalist in a tank. A flighty nurse of questionable loyalty.

And, maybe we'll jump them ahead a few years, so we don't have to watch them figure out all the stuff we've already watched Rick & Co. figure out.

Completely different show. Much better characters. I'm finally interested.

I had zero interest in FTWD after the first season but my Wife kept up with it. I caught the first episode this Season and love the changes and new characters. It got to a point where I absolutely could not stand Morgan any longer in TWD but I really like him in this. John Dory (the cowboy) is a cool addition as well and a helluva better shot than Rick Grimes.:lol
This season was great so far, August can't come soon enough... :tap

Always been a fan of Garrett Dillahunt, worked with him on a couple of things, he's always so nice, a true professional and cool dude
Just caught up with FTWD (binged the 8 episodes) and I thought it was pretty good! I liked the new characters especially Garret Dillahunt. As far as the Clarks, I’m not fully convinced she is still alive. You never saw her actually get eaten or torn apart. I think they’re giving themselves an “out” in case they want to bring her back. Overall it felt like they were trying something different with the storytelling and structure of the season, which I appreciated. I was thinking if the show might be more interesting if it was only from one character’s POV and we just follow them around meeting new groups every episode or two since it was kinda nice how Morgan met John and Al, instead of going from group to group once a season. By the end of each season we’re so sick of everyone we want them all to die! And did anyone catch that the opening titles were different in each episode? Have they been doing that all along and I just never noticed?

OTOH, I’m done with WD. I had one foot out the door once they introduced Negan. However, now learning that both Lauren Cohan and Andrew Lincoln are leaving next season, I’m debating on whether I’ll stick it out till they leave the show.