Mine arrived today, thanks Xeno! It really is a fantastic sculpt and the paint app is strong. This figure (ie Feng HS with How2Work body) easily holds up next to my other high end figures, and as usual the in-hand product is not done justice by the pics on this thread.
Just don't try to apply any pressure on the head in fitting it to the H2W neck post. I broke a small shard off the base of the HS, so take my word for it fellows: the H2W neck post IS NOT COMPATIBLE with this HS, it's TOO broad in diameter.
I've done an easy superglue fix on the broken part, no drama there apart from the sacrificed Mintiness
I've got a neck post arriving in the mail, I could see if that one is a better fit. Otherwise I was just going to get the jewelery files out and file down the H2W neck post.
I was hoping to post pics as soon as I got the HS, but it'll have to wait until I've solved the neck issue. It is interesting to compare the two sculpts, as this is my first custom purchase. The differences are small but significant, they make all the difference between high-end and middle-of-the-road:
* paint app is superior, better toned and detailed
* eyes are more realistic - they are kinda cartoony on H2W's version
* moustache is better detailed and 'sits' better - H2W's version is a bit like (in Xeno's words I think) a furry caterpillar.
* Hair has far more character
Can't wait to have this figure on its feet! Thanks again Xeno for making this awesome Feng sculpt available to the freaks