im in jack 

wow jack it looks like you got at least a couple dozen of people wanting this head... I'm in too. Do you think Feng can offer this head to SSF straight through you and not off ebay this time around?
Up to Feng what he wants to do really... so at this stage I'm not sure what he wants to do... I'll let you guys know when I have more info.
I'm Feng will make a hefty penny if he offered more of his heads to SSF rather than Ebay. Sure on ebay he can get about 30 dollars more for a head but what about fees... and percentages? I don't know, dude.... I'll leave this be don't want to pester you.
Under a different lighting..
I think it's the other way around. On Ebay he can easily get over $100 a head. Some have gone for well over $500 each. Its a lot more work casting and shipping them here at $35 or so a head. If he does sell them here it would be as a favor to freaks not to make the best profit. If he does decide to sell them here I would definitely be in, though I understand if he doesn't.
i'd pay 100-150 even here. I haven't seen any his lisitings go up to 500.