Super Freak
TolkienCollector said:That's the only crime I can admit to tho' enjoyed original 3, slept thro' Prequel #1, Laughed and laughed at Prequel #2 and didn't waste my time wiv Prequel #3.
So, overall, you are of course correct. I now see the error of my ways. I am indeed a Luca$$$$$$$$$$ Fanboy. Where can I buy a pretty light sabre please? I want a nice pink one? Do let me know???
lol big fan i see! but I think he's ruined a once spectacular trilogy. The original three were, to me, brilliant films. the first prequel was TERRIBLE. sorry to all those who loved them all but the script and dialogue left alot to be desired and the acting was really poor.
Attack of the clones was the same, it felt like an epic cash in. Fortunately Lucas improved with the 3rd prequel. it was tighter, the dialogue was still cheesy at times but overall i felt it was a good film. Tolkeincollector i rekon you should see the 3rd. you may hate it you may not, i suggest you take alook anyway.