One of the best Link figures in existsnce. Make sure you guys order from goodsmile direct to get that DX. It's a must for me. I just finished placing my order.8,000 yen is a bit painful, but worth it for Link!
figma Link: A Link Between Worlds ver. - DX Edition | figma | CATEGORY ROOT | GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP GLOBAL
I assume GSC charge straight away for preorders? I want the DX but can't get it this month
It looks damn awesome.
If I remembered correctly they charge a couple of weeks before the release.
So if it's released in August you will be charge then not now.
Plus I believe it's 2000Y shipping cost no matter where.
All this info is written on their online store.
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If I remembered correctly they charge a couple of weeks before the release.
So if it's released in August you will be charge then not now.
Plus I believe it's 2000Y shipping cost no matter where.
All this info is written on their online store.
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