Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Thanks Darth Sheba. :D Much appreciated.

Been busy with the house again. Ma's needed stuff, and my Dad fell, so we've been seeing to him. He's ok, fortunately he just slipped on the floor and landed in such a way he only hurt his shoulder. But at 77, any fall is scary. You all know. So, he may need surgery sometime. Dangit! He is not a good patient...old fella!
Anyway, other than the fact that THE DAMNED PIANO IS STILL HERE!!!! :banghead I love Ellen, but my life has needs too, so I need to get the bloody thing out soon.

Been trying to do some paints anyway. Over the course of the month, I have sorta kinda worked on a figure, custom, you'll see come Challenge time, as it's in that vein. So at least that got done creatively, but man has it taken a long time. I need my workspace back! PRONTO!
Thanks again to all who understand. Gotten some nice emails lately about it from a lot of you, and they mean a lot. I am sure not putting anyone off for a break anymore. I am kinda ready to work now. Just in this wait upheaval stuff. Next time I plan a cleanup, I coordinate better with those that have outside interests. :lol

Anyway...sprucing up and going through paints and thinking about what I am doing now. VERY excited about painting again. So nice to have my new paint and all. Mixing base colors...

Coming Sunday at noonish... Lots more!, and less spare OLD stuff, out of old boxes, and more variety and customs I hope. Even a sword! A pretty nice one. Marto or some nice company I believe. Something for the Kurgans and other collectors of that ilk perhaps. :rock
And my anniversary video still to come!

Stay with me! And thanks again all!
Sorry to hear about your dad. Good thing he didn't hurt himself too bad.
Looking forward to seeing what's in your next sale!
Sorry to hear about the fall man, it's always scary when it happens. And I know your Dad, he's a tough old guy, doesn't like to admit he may be hurting. Like last time with his ribs. I hope he comes out of this fall without any craziness like that. And good luck with the piano, hope it gets out of there soon so you can finish your setup and move on. Nothing like being in limbo... :google

Anyway man, can't wait to see your challenge stuff and hope you are able to get painting again as well. :rock
sorry to hear about your dad, i hope he's okay and doesn't need the surgery. it's scary how once you seem to reach a certain age falls or slips that don't seem like they could even hurt could end up leading to surgerys. Once when i was in highschool, i visited my grandmother and i was with her when she fell in the supermarket. To me it seemed like such a slow motion fall that i couldn't believe anybody could be hurt from it but it turned out she broke her knee.
Hey Les. I hope that your Dad will be okay. I know how it is from experience with ailing older parents. My mother-in-law here is in a wheelchair now, and only in her mid-60's. My Dad a few hours away is in bad health struggling with diabetes type 2 as you know. I will pray for your Dad's recovery. Take care my friend! :D

I'm anxious to see what is in part 2 of your garage sale. I hope that piano will disappear for you soon.
I hope you Dad gets feeling better soon Les. Its always scary when older folks fall because they can be more fragile than we think. He and your mom are really lucky to have a son around to take such good care of them.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Family always comes first. Painting and figures can wait.
Buttmunch is right. "Family always comes first". This hobby of ours is fun, and is and can be very involved and time-consuming. But it has to take a "back seat" to those we love and cherish. Family really does come first before anything.
Thanks guys. Has been a long month, and I am so ready to get done with all this cleanup and get back! My dad seems better, but he is complaining about the pain a lot. Getting therapy, so maybe that will work over surgery.
Gathering for Sale pt 2, and trying to get more work in. Got in tons more paint yesterday. so I am set there. Feels good to have a backlog of paint with all this coming due.

Thanks for the support guys. Means a lot.
Les not gonna be able to get to the PO to get Faramir mailed. Will get him mailed Monday/Tues.
No rush at all man , just do what you need to first!
Were definitely more bothered about a friend than a head !.
Don't overwhelm yourself bro !! Keep up the awesome work !! :rock
Wow, I have always checked out your website and have been amazed by your incredable figures! I just joined this Forum and am amazed by all of the out of this world paint jobs and custom figures that you have made. All I can say is WoW!
Wow, I have always checked out your website and have been amazed by your incredable figures! I just joined this Forum and am amazed by all of the out of this world paint jobs and custom figures that you have made. All I can say is WoW!

Thanks. And welcome in! Great members here! You'll have a lot of fun.

Hope to start Garage Sale Pt 2 today. Later today.
I haven't had the chance to ship all of Sale pt 1 folks yet, but will for sure this coming week. Sorry guys, fell behind with the last week's activities, but with this new sale coming too, I will just have a mass ship-off in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience.

Hope I have some new stuff some of you want. Less Hasbro, more customs and rare stuff. More variety of stuff too. It will be up in a little bit.
Still photographing and prepping. Between Noon and 3pm my time, I hope!

Til then!
Hey Les feel free to wait another hour before putting your sale up. I need to go get a new table so the family can all fit at it for dinner (my wife is in the nesting stage of pregnancy).

Don't want to miss what you put up. :D
OK, it's about to be posted. Not as much as last go round, lots of MacFarlane stuff, but maybe some you'll like....
There will be more later too.
Let me go post it....
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