Hi dudes and dudettes!

Still in Florida at DA Josh's til tomorrow, so I wanted to post a pic or two while I was still here, and could, of a figure I brought with me for him to see.
Also, while here I picked up parts for my system back home, so in a few days maybe I can get back online again. It may take me a while though, as I have to redo my system and rework from the ground up, so bear with me for a few more days. A week maybe. But at least my trips to the local library may be at an end at long last!
Anyway, kinda tired but feeling rested from being away, and much better than I have in a long, long. long time. Been up late nights with Josh talking custom smack and watching movies, many of which I haven't seen before, and just getting over my horrid 08 and moving on to 09 as best I can. Clearing cobwebs as it were.
So, here is the figure I mentioned, one I did a while ago now, but one I have wanted to post since finishing it up. It is a repaint and slight futz-redo of the older Sideshow Vlad the Impaler/Vlad Dracula figure. Really enjoyed it during this hard core five O'Clock shadow period I have been in with work heads.
And in a more period looking painterly style....
Enjoy and also go see the DA gift redo
(We trade works from time to time, and this completes a set of three modern Horror dudes for me) of my own personal Freddy Krueger from FvsJ, which he just posted most triumphantly in his thread.
MORE TO COME SOON! Thanks all for the support and patience! 09 already rocks!