Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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All your stuff rocks o a consistant basis, but DAMN, that Dr. Who really shows how good it could be!!


Thanks Steve. Not sure who wanted to see it, but someone in here did. I think there was waffling on buying one due to likeness, but I say he's there!
Thanks for the comment.

Thanks Steve. Not sure who wanted to see it, but someone in here did. I think there was waffling on buying one due to likeness, but I say he's there!
Thanks for the comment.

I have totally fallen into the whole Dr Who loop. You nailed it!! Now if we were only afforded say.... 9 other doctors!! :lol
That Hicks paint job is just simply staggering Les...... frighteningly good. :bow :bow :bow
Hey Les , just thought I would drop in and comment on how great your work is as I'm sure thousands of people do. Keep it up bud ! :D.
Hey Les,

I had forgotten you lived around Waycross. We just tried to get the contract for the Allied Heald Building for Okefenokee Technical College. We didn't get it but I did go up there for the pre-bid.
Hey Les,

I had forgotten you lived around Waycross. We just tried to get the contract for the Allied Heald Building for Okefenokee Technical College. We didn't get it but I did go up there for the pre-bid.

WHAT!!!! You were in my little berg and didn't drop by?!?!? You'da had the red carpet treatment. Next time, email me beforehand and we will hook up. Been nice to have shown you my collection in person. Don't forget next time. :D

BTW, I am at the post office there near Ok Tech, all the time.

Anyway, thanks Maulfan for posting those cool shots again. I forgot those! Re-saved 'em all! :D

And thanks for your kind words Darren. As always. (Got those wicked heads today too! FINALLY, your revamped Arnie! Thanks bro! On to all those Legolas too. (Doc needs to send me the hairpeices to match...)

Thanks also usmchicks. Much appreciated!
I know why people work with this guy now , obviously as well as his amazing work hes been so easy to deal with!. Most definitely recommended !.
The best figure repaints , sculpts , you name it , in the world right here :D.
I was the one that wanted to see the Doctor - you did a fantastic job with him! The sculpt is decent, as I suspected.
Les is the best on here :bow

but y'know... let's not make him feel too special or anything :lol
Les is the best on here :bow

but y'know... let's not make him feel too special or anything :lol

After some of the kind words I get, a little humbling goes a long way!
Thanks Darren. :lol

And for what it's worth, YOU and Josh and Mikey and Xeno and HURC and so many others here, especially some of the newer member guys, are awesome too! So thanks and keep your stuff up! I am inspired daily by you guys!

I promise to have more to post soon. Still paintin' like a raving banshee!
I am gonna start shipping some stuff soon too. Cannot wait to do that! Need to make room anyway! Can't wait! Lots to do.
After some of the kind words I get, a little humbling goes a long way!
Thanks Darren. :lol

And for what it's worth, YOU and Josh and Mikey and Xeno and HURC and so many others here, especially some of the newer member guys, are awesome too! So thanks and keep your stuff up! I am inspired daily by you guys!

I promise to have more to post soon. Still paintin' like a raving banshee!
I am gonna start shipping some stuff soon too. Cannot wait to do that! Need to make room anyway! Can't wait! Lots to do.

No one told you to come out of your cellar, now back to work!:lol
Les, you are indeed one busy guy, but your work is terrific.

I've been lurking on this site a while and finally joined. Thankfully I got a Hicks when he was released - please put me down for a Spikey Haired Hicks HS whenever you're able to create them Les. I would prefer a non-painted version as I enjoy painting up headsculpts myself. I'll contact & send an email when you're getting a final list together and ready to start making them.

Thanks very much, hope you and the folks are well.
Hey Les just interested , obviously with your name being figure master Les you prefer figures but do you collect any statues ?.
I have never noticed one on your videos or pics ?. :D
Thanks Amanamatt and Space Jockey. And SJ, email me and I may can sell you an unpainted one in March when I cast up the others. Thanks.

Hey Les just interested , obviously with your name being figure master Les you prefer figures but do you collect any statues ?.
I have never noticed one on your videos or pics ?. :D

I do like Statues a lot. I used to make a lot of resin kits, that are for the most part, statues once finished, so they are cool. I have sculpted a few too. Some females, since I hate all female figure bodies with a passion, as you never get the smoothness needed to accentuate that amazing form. If I did ever get statues, they might be females, like like that amazing and rare Michael Turner FATHOM figure I saw years back, WOW! But, I don't collect too many. I would get the PF Darkness if I really had room for him. He looks INCREDIBLE! And the ALIEN one I see around.
But for the most part, due to space limits and the fragile nature of statuary, I don't get many.
Sadly, and I do mean this, sadly, some of the only ones I have, are the entire line of Batman & Robin from the old Warner Store, as those were the only decent figures made of the movie characters I ever liked. And yes, I did repaint them completely. The Mr. Freeze was not too bad a likeness actually. But those seem so crude compared to the really nice stuff out now. Plus, that was then...I am a much more particular collector now.

I need to post some of my model buildups. I did several, including a few Batman figures, and one awesome one, a Batman vs Predator, that was so large, I had to make a base for it that was a cracked highway road scene. It was a shot straight out of the comic, of Batman in armor, facing an armored Predator, and what a set it was! HUGE TOO! Whole shebang was about 3 feet long, and about 18 inches high at the high point, and weighed a ton!
I'll get pics. But that was for a customer.
I don't have any to really speak of.

Who's to say in future though.
We can't all be Gruson, with his dream collection and display room, but we can try to be! :D

Oh, I do have the Sideshow JAWS Maquette! Does that count?! :rock
I am currently reworking it to a slightly more accurate countenence, as it is close, but not quite close enough for an old Jaws salt like me! But it is a must have. That base is dynamite!
Hi Les. Great collection. I actually have you guys to thank cos each time the missus starts commenting that i have one too many figures, i show her the collection you guys have and she stops badgering me to stop buying. :lol
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