Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Damn thats a great Millers, It a nice iea to go for that mutad effect that is in they film, hope i can nailthat when i get to doing mine.
Noticed those really nice teeth on the plap and looking forward to seeing a load of diffirent Craigs as bond with these scuplts.
Les you are a machine!!! Amazing work... :rock

les you should try to edit that picture with the hall of hick heads and have them staring at each other.

impressive as allways.
Thanks for the phone call last night Les! It was great catching up with you again. I know you're very busy, and I won't pester you with anymore "when is my head going to be done" e-mails or PMs. I have the assurance that once you're done with my Christopher Reeve Superman head, and spikey-haired Hicks, I'll have those to treasure the rest of my life in my collection! :D
Hi Les, I saw a couple of times you'd written that you may have overlooked emails, and if so to email you again... I have just sent another email to confirm an order for an unpainted Spikey Haired Hicks HS... extreme apologies to bug you again on it especially when you're busy with all this work. It's the fourth email I've sent since the begining of December and I'm not sure if you have me on the list as I haven't had an email back.

I feel bad to keep emailing about it...

Thanks Les, all the best. :eek:
Here's a sneak peek for you Les. I snapped these before the camera died so they are kinda blurry.

Bale as Batman...

Indiana Jones as Batman :lol

I'll get some real pics up soon.
Here's a sneak peek for you Les. I snapped these before the camera died so they are kinda blurry.

Bale as Batman...

Indiana Jones as Batman :lol

I'll get some real pics up soon.

wofford29, share the goodness of that bale sculpt.:lol no really please?

is the head on a HT or medicom batman? looks ****************ing top notch man!:bow
... Anyway, thanks Pjam and Reiny and uscmhicks! And yes Paul, get one of those! It rox! :rock
And for what it's worth, I think Andy nailed him! DC should indeed approve this. That is a frustration I am sure. Maybe for QOS there will be an official figure???
We can hope.

Oh yes I did! (get one from AB). Coming your way Bro. Thanks Andy!

Gonna prolly just swap the head with SSC Dr. No. Bingo!
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god I was going to say how ugly the sculpt was, but then I realize thats how daniel craig looks! haha just kidding. loved the movie.
Here is a FINALLY FINISHED Set of repainted Hot Toys PREDATORS!
AVP ELDER and the first P2...





Closeup of the P2 gear repainted to a more coppery finish

Dude, I think seeing these is the closest I've ever come to almost crying while looking at a figure. That P2 is just OUTSTANDING! My God! Your recent Indy gives me shivers too, bro. Your work is not always just impressive, its always inspirational.

I dabble in repainting figures occassionally, and while I am not good, (and that is NOT being humble- LAUGH) I'm passable enough to somewhat make myself happy. I just don't have the imagination to grasp color schemes like different hues on a human face, and I certainly don't have that kind of patience.

Sorry if you answered this before but how many decades did it take you to do that P2? :)

Keep up the good work!
yeah may as well let you know again , this paint job is amazing !! :rock.
The paint job on the head looks so crisp and perfect !!!.
Damn dude you must paint with a ruler!!.
Keep it up dude!!!!. :rock
Well it only took him two weeks to repaint mine. This guys is incredibly talented! He gives life to every single figure he touches even the crappy Hasbro ones.

Understand that was an unusual timeframe at a certain time of year. (December was a very hard work month for me, with many setbacks and multiple family events, including two eye surgeries for my mom, so nothing else but that one figure got completed in that time...)

I normally put such a figure or figures in my workload loop and take a month or more (usually more), so I can work on them as I work on other things as well. In this particular case, Dark Spidey needed it done and shipped back to him by Christmas day, and it was shipped to me in very late November, so I had no choice but to expedite it and put it ahead in line, in spite of a lot else going on. I made the very rare exception in that figure's case.

Measured on it's own hours, yeah, it took me maybe a week or more. But please don't assume that this was a normal or regularly available turnaround timeframe, nor am I free to take such large scale, single figure work orders that have such an intense turnaround again for a long time. (Not until I have every other one of these backlogged works all finished. Maybe then. We're talking April or May...for anyone that needs one done...)

Just needed to clear that up, lest someone just send me a Predator and say they need it by next Thursday! :lol Ain't happening folks! But, maybe it can again one day soon! :rock

Anyway, back to work!
Understand that was an unusual timeframe at a certain time of year. (December was a very hard work month for me, with many setbacks and multiple family events, including two eye surgeries for my mom, so nothing else but that one figure got completed in that time...)

I normally put such a figure or figures in my workload loop and take a month or more (usually more), so I can work on them as I work on other things as well. In this particular case, Dark Spidey needed it done and shipped back to him by Christmas day, and it was shipped to me in very late November, so I had no choice but to expedite it and put it ahead in line, in spite of a lot else going on. I made the very rare exception in that figure's case.
And I'll always thank you for that Les!! You gave me an incredible Christmas! I felt like I was 8yo again:chew
(December was a very hard work month for me, with many setbacks and multiple family events, including two eye surgeries for my mom, so nothing else but that one figure got completed in that time...)

Les, you underestimate yourself. From the photos you posted, you did the same job on my P2 in the same period. I know there's a certain economy of scale to be had but still...!

And yes, it's as good up close as in the photos Les posted. :)
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