Media Final Fantasy 7 Remake!

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I wonder if they'll still put out that HD remaster of the PC version of FF7. That's what I thought this announcement was at first.
Saw this on FB this morning. So sick if they keep everything the same, otherwise it wouldn't be FF7

There seems to be lots of people who didn't play the original who are interested in this and want the changes, don't really understand that sentiment. Just play 15 if your not into old school RPGs

I think the best way around it is to present two ways of play. New and old. I don't imagine the old style would take as much work
Why would people who didn't play this want changes? If they didn't play it they wouldn't know what changes they would want. I've played every single FF and most of the spin offs.

There are many archaic mechanics in this game. I don't see why the would do a copy of the original. Just go play the original then, there is no point in a REMAKE.

How can people be so deep into nostalgia that they want to pay $60 for a 1997 game.
I've seen it all over facebook, just because people haven't specifically played FF7 does not mean they aren't familiar with it, or how it or many old school rpgs play

It stands to point, why remake it totally different if surely this 'remake' is for the old school fans... the game is 18 years old. I can't see this being anymore appealing to new gamers than FF15 is so the core target audience has to be the old school fans who will be buying it off the back of nostalgia

Not sure why it's so hard to accept a good majority of fans would want a current generation looking FF7 while keeping as true to the original as possible :dunno

I'm guessing this would more than likely have been a HD remaster if they could too
Why would people who didn't play this want changes? If they didn't play it they wouldn't know what changes they would want. I've played every single FF and most of the spin offs.

There are many archaic mechanics in this game. I don't see why the would do a copy of the original. Just go play the original then, there is no point in a REMAKE.

How can people be so deep into nostalgia that they want to pay $60 for a 1997 game.

Probably still worth the $$ more than most new games these days.
Wow. I can't believe this is actually happening. Think they'll aim for 2017 to coincide with the 20th anniversary?
I'll wait for it till 2017 I been waiting for over 15 years a few more years wouldn't hurt.
I haven't been waiting as long as you guys, I only got into the game about 10 years ago. I'm glad I'll be on the ground floor this time. I really hope they get at the very least, Cloud, Sephiroth Tifa and Aerith's voice actors back from Advent Children.
Advent children voice actors were terrible hopefully there's a subtitle option.
Maybe I don't wanna hear them at all that's how I grew up with the characters it's like giving link a voice after all these years I actually prefer the Japanese voices.
That figures, I don't mind it either. Just keep the core of the game the same. I'm sure they'll add a lot, like side quests, new areas. I'm sure the world map will have entire new towns.
I really hope they leave the combat alone. Fix the inventory system, add to the story, get some amazing voice actors, but don't bastardize the combat. Hell, use this as a springboard to reintroduce turn based combat.