Final Fantasy Collection Thread

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That's a cool poster but everybody is stepping on everybody else's shoes!

In other FF news, I was browsing a FF forum and everybody was saying that Barret and Cid are the only "western" characters. That Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, Vincent, and Sephiroth were all supposed to be Japanese. I'm sitting here thinking since when the f do Japanese people come in blonde hair and blue eyes with English names like "Cloud Strife"? If he was Japanese, besides having squintier eyes (heh), he wouldn't be Aryan and his name would be Kumo, not Cloud or Kuraado. Kuraado is "Cloud" with Japanese pronunciation and the Japanese word for "Cloud" is "Kumo." Hell if I know the Japanese word for "Strife" but I bet it's not "Suturaihu." The ONLY Japanese character, maybe, is Yuffie since her last name is Kisaragi, even though her first name isn't Japanese.

Who is with me? Yeah, Advent Children made them all look like pretty little teenage Japanese girls (especially Cloud), but they are NOT supposed to be Japanese.
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In a lot of pain today. Raked wet leaves, shoveled them into bags with an ancient 10-ton shovel yesterday. So I stayed in bed today and spent the whole day playing Crisis Core. And now I can say officially: Zack is kind of a douche. I mean, in a happy-go-lucky annoying as ???? zippity-doo-dah-day kind of way. Freakin' mullethead. Although I surprised myself when I heard myself say "b****" to Aeris when she asked for a nicer wagon and then "F you" to Cloud when he refused to talk to me. Cloud and Aeris are my favorite video game characters! I'm sorry, "Aerith" which to me sounds like "Aeris" with a horrible lisp. Sephiroth I found myself sympathizing with a bit which was odd as I consider him the ultimate a$$hole of videogamedom, at least until he whupped my butt twice at the end of the game. It was the first time throughout the whole game that I died. I played it again and I died again! F'n Sephiroth.

If I wasn't so asexual I would have orgasmed the first time Cloud and Sephiroth appear in the same scene, when he's briefing them and he glares at Cloud for a moment before saying "Nibelheim." I just sat there thinking, "Yeah, that little blonde punk nobody is going to kill your ass later prettyboy." Was very much looking forward to the end of the game but I'll just have to calm down and regroup a bit before I attempt to take on prettyboy again. Can't wait to see Zack shot down like a dog. I am sorry, he's like the ultimate goody-two-shoes. You just want to see people like him taken down a peg, or permanently.

Cowgirl Tifa I liked. Aerith was kind of annoying. If I had played this game before FFVII I probably would have picked Tifa for the date. Don't usually go for girls with big jumblies but Tifa is like the girl next door only dressed like a hooker. I preferred Aeris in the first game because you could tell there was something mysterious and special about her in that game but in this one she's just a ditzy, annoying nag. Come to think of it, her and Zack make a perfect couple.
Holy Hell. Beat Sephiroth finally. But the game just keeps going! I didn't realize so much happened between Sephiroth's shishkabob by Cloud and Zack getting mowed down by Shinra troops.

Anyhow I'm glad I'm getting the Play Arts Zack Fair figure. I already own Cloud. Won't be getting Aeris, that's for sure!
i like your photos, especially the "couples" ones, it just gives more character to figures when you have em "interacting" (duh)

I really wanna play Crisis Core, but i lack a PSP, for shame. soon...soon...

I think most anime/ish characters are meant to be asian/japanese...etc. but they almost never look it. I just remember watching DBZ back in the day and someone said Goku was spose to be japanese, and i just thought "huh....coulda fooled me"

keep the photos comin!
Heh, thanks. I should put Vincent and Yuffie in a couple. I can already hear Vincent. "NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!" I should do it to spite my ex. He loved Vincent and hated Yuffie. :p

I can understand when anime characters are given Japanese names like say, Sailor Moon who was also Aryan however named Usagi Tsukino (which translates to Rabbit of the Moon), being Japanese. But when they have English names I can't help but think they are of Western origin. Someone who speaks Japanese wouldn't most likely name their child "Squall" or "Lightning." Besides the words not making sense to most Japanese people despite being names that are MEANT to represent the weather, they would sound horrible pronounced with a Japanese accent ("Sukuwaru" and "Raitneen"). Anime characters (most of them anyway) already look Western with their humongous eyes, but some of them do have squintier eyes which differentiates them from the others, making me think, "Ahh, THERE's a character who is supposed to be Asian." But basically I judge them on their names (original names in Japan, not the English translation). Yuna - Japanese. Cloud - English. Rinoa - Japanese. Snow - English. Etc. Usually the characters with the Japanese sounding names tend to look more Asian too. Rinoa being a perfect example. She's spot-on Japanese. But the warning light definitely goes up when they are a blonde character. Asian people simply do not come in blonde. I've seen one blonde Asian woman in my whole life, and she was albino. White hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, extremely pale blue eyes. She passed by me in an airport. Quite beautiful I thought but obviously albino and one in a million. Goku is actually a perfect example of the Japanese' idolation of Western peoples, the way he's only blonde when he's in his super saiyin mode (forgive me if I have the terminology wrong, I've never seen the show). Actually in some of the more rural towns in Japan, natural blonde hair is considered exotic and good luck and if you are a blonde tourist visiting you'll find people trying to touch your hair so it will rub off on them. No better way to stand out than being a toe-head amongst the hundreds of brunettes. I used Sailor Moon as an example of a blonde Japanese person but really she doesn't count as her story goes that she's the reincarnation of a moon princess who was blonde and who knows what the standard hair color for moon people is? Maybe they're of Nordic decent. (?)

Anyway so that's my essay about that. :) I actually find the topic quite fascinating because for the longest time Japanese people have idolized Western peoples and now the tables are starting to turn. Thanks to anime you'll find legions of young Western kids who wish they were Japanese! They even sell pocky at my local mall. In return, a trend is starting with Japanese anime wherein there is not a blonde person in the entire show or if there is they are a goofy ditz, and all of the main characters have dark hair, dark eyes, and Japanese names. I think they're starting to recognize a pride for their own culture. I guess enough time has passed since WWII that they're beginning to feel worthy of it. :)

Oh and in regards to that last picture, I don't mind Zack's buster sword being bigger than Cloud's. The fruity golden guard on it makes up for it. Besides, anyone with a sword that big is obviously overcompensating for something. ;) Cloud it made sense since he's a shrimpy guy (as tall as me) and quite feminine in his features, but Zack was designed as a big tough man's man.

Oh sorry for all of the psychology in this post. I'm ace at over-analyzing. I should get a photo of how I've got Vincent set up with Cait Sith right next to him. My ex hated Yuffie, but he absolutely LOATHED Cait Sith. :D
Heh that's what forums are for, discussions. shoot I've had my fair share of huge theories and discussions written up. I once wrote about why it's interesting that almost all the villains in the Resident Evil games are blonde, with a few exceptions. I found this to be quite an interesting read.

Hate Cait Sith?! no way haha. He' cool. I dig Cait Sith (even with scottish accent:rolleyes:), but Vincent/Cait Sith....that's dangerous territory.

All FFVI characters are inferior to Cid, you need a pic with everyone fawning over him. Just sayin.......i'll leave now.....go cid!
I would LOVE to get a picture of the characters swooning over Cid's coolness except Square Enix refuses to make a Play Arts Cid OR Barret! They only made the "pretty" characters, well I think that's BS!!

Cid's limit break where he lights the dynamite with his stogie - BEST LIMIT BREAK EVER!
A Playarts Barrett would be absolutely insane. He'd be huge compared to everyone and hopefully have some interchangeable weapons. Definitly one of my favorite characters from the game and most wanted figures from SquareEnix.

Not a huge fan of Cid but he's definitely essential to the cast and I would buy one in a heartbeat. Would love to see some more Turks as well. Rude in particular would be a great companion figure for Reno who looks lonely on my shelf atm as he's the only one. A Mog would be too.
A Playarts Barrett would be absolutely insane. He'd be huge compared to everyone and hopefully have some interchangeable weapons. Definitly one of my favorite characters from the game and most wanted figures from SquareEnix.

Not a huge fan of Cid but he's definitely essential to the cast and I would buy one in a heartbeat. Would love to see some more Turks as well. Rude in particular would be a great companion figure for Reno who looks lonely on my shelf atm as he's the only one. A Mog would be too.
I wouldn't get my hopes up about interchangeable weapons with Barret. Nobody else came with them. :( Had to get a set of them separately (although I never got around to buying it, would have if Cloud's sword was the Ultima weapon!). But still a Barret would kick ass. All I want from Square Enix is a Play Arts Barret, Cid, and Mog for Cait Sith. That would round out the playable characters and since they made Sephiroth, a non-playable character (and they made like, three different versions of him!), I think they should make the others. As for other characters I'd like to see Elena of the Turks (I just think she's cute), Scarlet, Lucrecia, Rufus Shinra, and Bugenhagen. Maybe Jesse from AVALANCHE, I always wanted to see what she looked like in a non-chibi version. Lessee, who else. Marlene! Game version, not punk movie version. Oh and it would be SO cool to have a Jenova in her tank. Tell me that wouldn't be awesome. But I'm totally dreaming now. Of all of these characters I think the most likely to be made (besides Barret and Cid) is Rufus.

But then maybe Squeenix is done with their FFVII Play Arts line. :( Maybe we should count ourselves lucky that they made as many of the characters as they did.
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Somakun's Kuja:
I appreciate the work put into customs but this guy (?) just doesn't look right. Besides the fact that he has no rib cage, he has minus a rib cage, his torso actually sucks in the further up it goes, he also has disturbing wrinkles on his thighs.

I don't know who Kuja is but he has some serious aesthetic health issues.
FF 9 is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! love that game so much!!!!!!!!! kuja is a douche!!!!! but gets owned by Zidane!! :rock
Hehe. In perfect Final Fantasy tradition, Kuja looks like a chick. :)

Now for more pics of the collection and I apologize in advance for my camera's crappy flash. I need a better camera.









As you can see, I've accepted Cloud/Tifa as the proper couple. Playing Crisis Core made me realize how much Tifa pines for Cloud so next time I play FFVII I'm going to do the date with Tifa. :) I always liked Tifa, I just hated that she looks like a ****.