It appears Sephiroth got "Nomura'd" lol, which is a phrase token to Tetsuya Nomura, the character designer for Final Fantasy, who has a tendency to give characters cool and unique looks and accessories for just style points, with no actual function/relevance. He claimed in an interview years back that he had no theory behind AC Cloud's redesign other than "it just looked cool" and this sort of became a meme lol. Sephiroth's belt was added in FF7R simply for style points (and possibly a place to holster his Masamune) and otherwise, aside from the belt, he appears to share the same outfit as in AC.
A long shot, but I'd love to see the Kingdom Hearts remakes of Sephiroth & Cloud. Even more, I'd LOVE to see Sora!!!! I know it's so unlikely but they are
Gametoys, however... But for now, it seems they are very focused on their Final Fantasy line, and good for them, their success shows

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