Thanks so much. His height is 31cm, whereas Sephiroth from GameToys is 33cm. I'd like to imagine his boots contribute the extra 2cm...

In the way he will be setup, his height won't matter as he will be "floating", and his legs will be hidden behind his wing. Unfortunately I only have one photo before I finalized the neck; I had considered it a flaw until I fixed it, so I didn't really photograph him too much until afterwards.
Left is before, Right is after.
You can see I adjusted the height of his neck by placing his head lower, but I wish I photographed the side prior to. It was somewhat difficult to get the seam of the head to match the neck, but once I realized I could use saran wrap to thicken his neck, it became super easy. It looks very seamless now, I'm sure I'll get a profile pic of him soon. The copper wire was me showcasing the 30 minutes I spent shaping it to match the pictures.
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