F4 Studio single 1/4 Tifa release could be the best if they use this head on this body
That would be the most accurate Remake Tifa in the pool of Tifa figures and statues.
But i still wouldnt say that its perfect. The paint job still has this plastic action figure feel to it. Its not detailed enough.
And who knows if the final product will even look like that. These pictures are provided by the studio.
Does it have her shorts?
Yeah, i hope so too.
I guess there is a chance for updates and new products with the upcoming PS5 release
and then the Remake Part 2
even then its possible that the next products still wont look like Remake Tifa.
I mean, even Play Arts Kai, the official Square Enix company, wasnt able to do it.
So maybe we will get 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 new figures and statues but we will have the exact same problem.
Its just sad.
This is the stuff we have so far
And this is how she looks in the Remake
No product is even close to that if you ask me.
Someone knows where I can see some Pink Pink tifa photos of the final product?
Dont know about pictures but there are some videos
Its okay, its not bad bad and out of the unlicensed stuff one of the better figures (which doesnt mean much because they arent great)
but i still think the prototype pre order pictures look way better.
Final product left, pre order right.
Is it worth 500 USD? ... I dont know
Play Arts Kai Tifa
On the left the product they showed at events,
final product on the right ...
I dont want to sound too harsh but
a lot of this pre order now! stuff seems like a scam.
Yeesh... that's just terrible.
Anyway, I don't understand the motive of having the option to have the figure/statue nude. Desperate much?
Yeesh... that's just terrible.
Anyway, I don't understand the motive of having the option to have the figure/statue nude. Desperate much?
Anyone know of any sites that still have preorders available for the gametoys cloud figure?
At this point I?d probably wait for release, I?m sure some HK sites will have some in stock then. Last time I checked he was gone pretty much everywhere.
I see that the VTS cloud is still up on a few sites, but ive never gotten VTS before and I kind of wanted to keep the same company as the Sephiroth figure coming out.
The VTS one is a great option, I do think the game toys one looks better though as many have said before. As JBot pointed out, when an item releases not everyone pays for it so stock becomes available, just keep an eye out on sites like Onesixthkit, KGHobby, Toyswonderland, tns etc. If I see anything I will try to remember to post here for you, hope you find one my friend !