I agree too, I might just get both super duck new headsculpts, (the short hair, and the long hair), and just wait for Gametoys to see when they release the other 2 characters.
His name is Yansartofficial. He is on Facebook and Instagram. He is currently perfecting the sculpt then will paint it.Who is the artist?
There is photos of painted HS?
This looks great for the scale. One thing that is holding me back getting him was how he'd fit in the case with other gaming characters.It does look so, but is actually much in scale with other figures now (not sure how tall cloud should be).
His highest spike is at 12.6" Here's with the leg he came with and Leon.
View attachment 539023
Closest they’ll get to a real woman I guess. They amount of skimpy customs of female characters out there is just weird to me.What's with the fascination of having Tifa with ****s that can be exposed?
That's what I'm thinking the more I look at pictures here of the legs and boots. Is a new thing for me to radically mod a new figure but I'm seeing it as, a body is £20 and boots £15, nothing comparatively expensive.I impulse bought the VTS cloud as well. I hollowed out the boots and it did help some but he really needs his shins cut down.
That was my planned backup if I mess up modding the stock body and boots. Athletic body that would seem fitting for the characterWould the clothes fit on that one Bruce Lee Ganghood body? The physique matches Cloud's pretty well.
I might try that if I'm not satisfied with the Game Toys body.