Can't decide between the VS and Super Duck Tifas... anybody have a preference between the two (and companies quality wise)?
I too would go with the VS Toys version. It comes with 2 nice head sculpts and the costume is tailored to their body. The Super Duck one you'll have to purchase your own body to outfit, most likely a Phicen/TBLeague one. The Super Duck costume set doesn't look as detailed to me as the VS Toys one.
I've had QC issues with Super Duck products before. Their Supergirl set kept tearing at below the armpit, but I was lucky to know a seamstress that re-enforced those stitches for me.
I'm not keen on the SW version, if you've seen that one. It's a new Tifa set for the original FF7 game. I've yet to see the AceToys version. For now, VS version looks the best to me!