This is out tomorrow in Japan. It's been a long time since I've been envious of Japanese gamers who've gotten a game months before their neighbors on other shores. I think that's because western gaming has risen to significance in the last few years and there hasn't been a Japanese-produced game that has had as much attention and demand. The big ones, like Metal Gear Solid 4, had worldwide simultaneous launch dates.
As I read launch day impressions and watched videos of Square-Enix's Japanese launch events, I've been reminded of how special Final Fantasy is to a lot of people, and that it can still invoke raw excitement in me that I haven't felt for the franchise in a long, long time. I've also realized how long it's been since I've played and loved a Final Fantasy game (FFX was the last one I completely sunk myself into).
Launch day lines for FFXIII:
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Kotaku's launch day impressions:
March is a long time away, it feels.