I haven't played previous games,but I know this is a popular franchise,have seen animations and I loved them.
However once I saw the teaser of FFXVI
I knew I'd love it. Medieval time period, swords,magic,beautiful artstyle... Everything I love! So tried demo yesterday and after I finished it purchased the game instantly! Soooo good! Clive is like a mix of Geralt and Trevor Belont,fall in love with him so fast... are there chances for 1/6 figure of him?
I played only 10 hours yet, got my ''corset'' outfit! Jesus Christ! Clive is so beautiful and just in general everyone else is so pretty! This is what I want from the fantasy genre, not the REALITY and representation of myself,I can relate to the characters without looking like them. Sometimes I just stop and stare at them, don't remember last time when I loved new character's appearance as much. Clive and Cid would make a stellar figures! I hope someone makes them, there is a VIP spot in heaven for whoever does that.

P.S. while I'm new to the franchise, I remember there are figures from the previous games, so there are high chances this time too. Right?