Finally !!! Thor getting owned !!!

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Cold Slither
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
All hail the Red Hulk !!!! All hail Rulk !!!! All hail Loeb !!!! lollllll

In one single comic, millions of Thor fans have been shut out



Rumors says everywhere on comic boards that Thor, Odinforce Thor, I might add, gets the beating of a life time and its pretty brutal.Thor gets beaten badly in a humiliating way. The Thor forums are already overflowing with the tears of fanboys.




Thor's expression of shock that Red Hulk shrugged off his attack so easy in this pic pretty much sums up how the rest of the fight goes.







At the end of the issue,... Red Hulk is quite content to just beat up on Thor, even though he has the opportunity to kill him at the end.

THAT ISSUE WILL BE HISTORIC !!!! Skyfather Thor, you're going down !!!!
Seems like marvel is real desperate to have there version of wont work.
I'd be fine with Thor getting owned....if the GREEN hulk showed up and taught the Red Hulk a lesson! But since Green Hulk already got schooled....not a fan. Loeb definately has too much freedom. He just had the Red Hulk take down the two most powerful people in the Marvel Universe! I'm guessing soon the red hulk will be punching Galactus to death.
Hopefully this issue'll be waiting for me when I make my run to the comic store (over an hour away:monkey2) to pick up my account... I'm liking this Red Hulk-- just not sure where it's going... But I like the beatdowns that are taking place.
WTF...I need to start reading comics again. Since when is Hulk red?!?

What's next, blue? Maybe a shade of pink...:rolleyes:

Different Hulk. He beat up the Green Hulk last ish.

Last issue they made it seem like it was Doc Samson.
I'd be fine with Thor getting owned....if the GREEN hulk showed up and taught the Red Hulk a lesson! But since Green Hulk already got schooled....not a fan. Loeb definately has too much freedom. He just had the Red Hulk take down the two most powerful people in the Marvel Universe! I'm guessing soon the red hulk will be punching Galactus to death.

Who was the other person the red hulk took down?
But wasn't the Hulk always stronger than Thor to begin with?

Thor could always hold his own against the Green Hulk. He was actually added to the marvel U in order to be a good match up against the Hulk. The stronger of the two was story dependant.

my hulk only comes in green or grey. i tried to red the red hulk stuff but i gave up after #2. marvel just had a kick ass story arc where an extremely powerful, extemely pissed hulk whipped the marvel universe. so they follow it up with an even more powerful, more pissed red version?

that hulk statue is awwwwwesome.

my hulk only comes in green or grey. i tried to red the red hulk stuff but i gave up after #2. marvel just had a kick ass story arc where an extremely powerful, extemely pissed hulk whipped the marvel universe. so they follow it up with an even more powerful, more pissed red version?

Yeah I agree with you..makes no sense for now...Plus bringing back dumb Hulk over the Green Scar was a very idiotic move...I just hope Red Hulk is somehow part of Bruce Banner's essence.
But that's just the 21st Century Quesada/Stazynski Thor. 80's Thor would have taken him. :lecture

Actually Thor has never been this powerfull, he is at skyfather level and has the Odin Force.