Finally Time to do custom commission 1:6 Slave Leia figures?

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Why would you sensor the bits and tackle but not the coin purse? :confused:
Yes, Otaku 1.0 will not work without a bust reduction, that's why I was talking about the 2.0. Still need to see more pics of the 2.0, it may be unrealistically anime thin - hard to imagine it being any thinner than the Eva, but the articulation & aesthetics are the best of the 3.

Well, given that all we have is one profile shot of an unfinished prototype of a body that is supposed to have anime-figure styling and, I still disagree that it would be a better choice than the EVA at this time.

Why not the Alpha? Just because it's coming out second? The torso cut under the breasts would be hidden by the bikini instead of the obvious rib cage cut on the Eva. That rib cage cut on the Eva is ugly on a practically naked figure and makes no sense why it wasn't moved to under the ****s. My only problems with the Alpha are the double hinge elbows and the cut above the knees. The ball joint elbows on the Eva and Otaku are less obvious.
The Eva would be perfect except for the stupid torso cut.

I don't have any problem with the Alpha as a female figure body. I plan on getting several as a replacement for the CG 2.0, which is my current favorite body. But right, we don't know when it's coming out - just that apparently Triad would like to get it out sometime next year. Since Triad routinely runs into unplanned delays, I'd rather not be waiting until possibly December 09 to finally have a body to begin working on this custom with. And definitely not when a fantastic and more realistic body should be available well before then.

As for the torso cut, I'd guess that it's because it looks like it was designed for realistic flow. While it might look nicer right under the breasts, I'm guessing most women don't bend right in the middle of their ribcage like that :p

This pretty much all comes down to personal aesthetic choices. The important thing to remember is that no one is forcing you to use one body over another. Chances are very good that a slave Leia bikini kit would have to be molded in several pieces, and you could make adjustments to have it fit the body you want. For my preferences? I don't care for the exagerrated thin proportions of the Otaku 2.0 as seen in the profile shot. And while the Alpha looks good overall, the EVA looks far more realistic for a figure with a lot of exposed skin and I like the joint design better.

Besides, if there really is enough interest in a bikini kit, we could always put it to a vote as to which body people would want it tailored for.

You really think the Eva torso would look better than the Alpha with a bikini on it? I just don't see it.

Yup, I do :) The EVA looks just fine in a bikini IMHO.

But right, we don't know when it's coming out - just that apparently Triad would like to get it out sometime next year. Since Triad routinely runs into unplanned delays, I'd rather not be waiting until possibly December 09 to finally have a body to begin working on this custom with. And definitely not when a fantastic and more realistic body should be available well before then.

The preorder for the Eva says July 09. A couple more months doesn't seem like that much longer to wait, assuming they get the Alpha out in 09 as well.

And the Eva is an awesome body, best one available so far, with the one thing I'm not wild about being the torso cut. I think it works much better for the guy than the girl. Still, that's the only thing I like better on the Alphas. The arms and legs are both the best on Eva. We'll probably see molded shots of the Alpha well before the Eva ships, so there will be a better comparison then.
The preorder for the Eva says July 09. A couple more months doesn't seem like that much longer to wait, assuming they get the Alpha out in 09 as well.

The preorder for the EVA was deliberately pushed very far out per Triad. They've had plenty of delays while trying to get this body produced, but at least we're finally seeing some finished samples. The impression I've gotten from posts by Louie from Triad on their forums is that they're not actually expecting it to be July 09 before these are released.

We'd still be quite a ways off for the bikini kit commission since we'd want to have whichever base body in-hand for a form fitting sculpt. We can always look at it again and decide which base body will work best when we're at that point in time. If the Alpha isn't anywhere close to production when the EVA has been released, then I'd say it'd really be a non-issue about which body to chose. If you'd rather wait and use a different body - again, I'm sure you could customise the bikini kit to suit your body of choice if you want to go that route.
Hey guys,

Slave Leia is a must! I would love to put her on an Eva. Best looking fig I've seen so far, I think, in terms of realistic proportions.

Anyone have a connection at Triad? I thought perhaps I'd offer to show off the new upcoming bodies if they would care to give me or even just lend me a preproduction sample. Since my commissions are taking off like wildfire and I've got a lot of female sculpts as well as male coming up it would be nice to showcase them on such nice bodies. Plus they would get a lot of exposure to their key demographic.

I'm looking at my River Tam version of Summer Glau on an S1 body, which is nice, but I'm thinking how much better she would look on an Eva...

And If I had one in hand it would be much easier to sculpt her slave-kini!:D
Good luck contact Triad and getting a response they are reknowned for the incredible amount of time they take.

1. to reply
2. to get a decent answer

Great product lousy postage prices and customer service
Odd. I never have any problems with Triad. Everytime i send them a question, I get a response within a few hours, and I've never had anything but good Customer service from them.
Triad's had some previous issues with their email servers dropping emails. I'm not sure if they ever resolved the issue...thinking they have by this time though. I usually call and leave a message with my order info if I need to make a change, and ask them to email confirmation to me. That's worked out OK so far.

As for contacts, I know Triad is pretty much Louie Tran's company.
Well, the idea I had was to do the head first, and then once the Triad EVA body is released, see if Chris would do a sculpted set of bits for her (boots, solid bikini parts). That way, all you'd have to do is paint it and add the loincloth.

My preference on waiting until the EVA is released for the bikini and boots is due to wanting to try and get something absolutely form-fitting for her :)

What do you guys think?

Once again, great minds thinking alike. ;)

We should let Chris's schedule free up a bit on this, but I'm totally up for working on this with you guys starting in January or February.

Regardless of which body we'll each decide to use, and regardless of whether we end up getting a new version of the outfit done, a lot of us are definitely going to want a head sculpted, and any of Triad's bodies (or, for that matter, the Soldier's Story or BBI Perfect bodies) accept the same head connection. We can then mess with the outfit once the body/bodies start to become available.

If this project all turns out well maybe we should do Oola as well?
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I'm definitely game! :clap I had suggested February to Chris in an email as well...I think it'd be great as it'd allow him to catch up on his current projects. Also, he had mentioned in another thread that February tended to be a slow month for him with his business clients.

Oola wouldn't be bad...outfit might require a bit of work, but I wouldn't think it'd be that bad for a seamstress to do. A slave Leia is just about essential though, and I shudder to think how Sideshow's version would turn out of they churn one out on the female Buck :yuck

Anyway, this should be an easy project to find interest for...SSF, MWD, OSW, Triad, Rebelscum, etc.
I'm in too. All I would ask is perhaps something worked out with the ponytail so we can have display options.
just a though. how about since her hair is one long braid, what if someone could come up with a ball jointed sculpt for her hair? eache braided section having it's own joint?
just a though. how about since her hair is one long braid, what if someone could come up with a ball jointed sculpt for her hair? eache braided section having it's own joint?

If a posable ponytail is what you want, a somewhat easier approach ( not to mention less expensive) would be to cast the ponytail from a flexible urethane or silicone with an embedded bendable wire. This is the standard technique used when manufacturing a "bendy"

In fact, one of my commercial clients makes bendy arms and hands like this that fit onto rotocast vinyl body. The hands can be made to grip things like pens and pencils.....cute.
If a posable ponytail is what you want, a somewhat easier approach ( not to mention less expensive) would be to cast the ponytail from a flexible urethane or silicone with an embedded bendable wire. This is the standard technique used when manufacturing a "bendy"

In fact, one of my commercial clients makes bendy arms and hands like this that fit onto rotocast vinyl body. The hands can be made to grip things like pens and pencils.....cute.

Neet... so if you doa leia figure head for us, would you be willing to go that appriach?