My muse is a fickle b**ch
I am not an animal!!!!

JAWS said:Someone did a quick fix at photo shop and it looks much better IMO.
Captain Aldeggon said:He just has that look in his eyes of some crazed demon who wants to destoy my soul with his eyes.........
Darklord Dave said:I don't see any evil in the eyes, just determination. In fact I'd like to see someone take the SSW Elessar Crown and put it on him, I'd bet it look damn near perfect.
LOTRFan said:
woodsy said:What a difference that crown makes! If CM were to add this feature I'm sure it would boost sales quite significantly.
Darklord Dave said:Too bad we can't photoshop real life...
You can photoshop yourself. It's called plastic surgery.Darklord Dave said:Oh yeah, forgot about the scale thing. It does help though. Too bad we can't photoshop real life...
PosterBoyKelly said:I never really heard of this company, what else have they done?