First Real Custom - Star Wars - Jedi Sith Hunter

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Hey Drod,

Sorry for the lack of updates, been rushing around like a headless chicken the last week, being forced to move so i havent had time to work, but now i'm settled back in i'll be able to get started again.

Sorry for the delays...


after an insanely long downtime (god i love life, it always likes to P*** me the **** off) i finally had time to work on the Sith Hunter

He is still missing his boots, beltpack and holster, but he is nearly complete...

an cans in the background...classy eh?


Looking good SJ. I like how is turning out. Man you sure went down town with the fosters. Haha
nice mate... I think if I drink more then 2 pints while I am painting sculpts I would be all over the place.. ahahaha

Have you started on your other project?
Well i am finally BACK at home (thank you government for forcing me to leave home just to make you happy...), and a couple days spent working solidly on the figure have paid off

So here is the 99% (still missing his lightsaber and holster) complete Jedi "Sith Hunter"

He now has 2 hoods, one made of the thin, light material for "hot weather" climates, and the brown leather hemmed one for "cold weather" climates.

Also note he has two different "boots", as halfway through doing the second one i felt tempted to try a different approach, it paid off, but i cut the brown material a little too short and thus, doesnt look quite right.






I added a small carry-pouch for him, it actually does open and close, and is lined in the same brown matieral as the leather combat skirt.

This figure has really been a learning curve for me, transposing what i've known from doing full scale work, i didnt think it'd be so hard to do it in 1/6th scale (boy was i wrong!)

This character, and to me he has become a character; has reall allowed me to learn some new skills which i will use in my next project - Darth Bane

I hope to have a Bane thread going in the next two weeks, as it'll take that long for the chosen "likeness" to arrive from the states.

Anyways, enough rambling, hope you like it. As always, crits are welcome...

PS. i do plan to redo his boots to make them match, i am also thinking of adding a cloak


SJ figure looks great man.. I like how the outfit come out. Great Job and cant wait to see Bane.
hey there folks,

I figured instead of starting a new thread atm for the Bane project (as i'm now waiting on the head to arrive...2 weeks man...sheeesh how will i cope!) I figured i'd hop on and ask...what exactly would people like to see in a 1/6th scale version of Darth Bane?

I myself am not a huge fan of Bane's design when clad in the Orbasalik "Armor", the silly cage helmet et al, but i figured i'd ask what others would like to see in a Bane figure...

I know this has effectivly resurrected a dead thread...but hey, its my thread...i'll shoot it when the time comes :D