Same here! Really want Spike, Jet, and Faye. Also looking forward to FMA as well.
Still work on herassembling her to see how is before we submit for approval. Still a while away
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Hey all, looking for some genuine advice.
I was right there when NES system was first release at the prime age of 11. The ultimate game for me was LoZ and have purchased every Nintendo console since for the sole purpose of being able to play LoZ games. Out side of that, the 3 games that I absolutely loved on the NES were Metroid, Castlevania, and Kid Icarus. There were other games that were fun and I played a lot (contra/kung fu/punch-out/Rygar/Bionic Commando/etc...) but LoZ, Metroid, Castlevania and Kid Icarus stuck with me.
Long story not so short, I have Simon Belmont on 12 month flex and Varia Samus EX on preorder. My thought was a 3x1 Besta with Simon/Pit/Samus to represent my 'trinity' of NES outside of LoZ. F4F have expressed multiple times that they don't think there is enough interest for Pit and that one was already made and 'Vaulted'. They also are only able to make so many statues per year and only so many of them can be Nintendo statues. With no Kid Icarus game on the horizon, almost no 'vaulted' statues ever being pulled out and released, F4F believing there isn't demand, and few available 'slots' for Nintendo statues, I'm really thinking about cancelling Simon and Samus. They are both definitely great statues on their own merit, but to have those two with no Pit makes me wonder. I'm really kind of a collector that likes sets and complete teams, so to have only 2/3 for me would take some of my enjoyment away.
The hard part is that they individually are such good statues, and I would hate to make a 'mistake' by cancelling and then having to pay a high aftermarket price to get them.
Any thoughts???
Hey all, looking for some genuine advice.
I was right there when NES system was first release at the prime age of 11. The ultimate game for me was LoZ and have purchased every Nintendo console since for the sole purpose of being able to play LoZ games. Out side of that, the 3 games that I absolutely loved on the NES were Metroid, Castlevania, and Kid Icarus. There were other games that were fun and I played a lot (contra/kung fu/punch-out/Rygar/Bionic Commando/etc...) but LoZ, Metroid, Castlevania and Kid Icarus stuck with me.
Long story not so short, I have Simon Belmont on 12 month flex and Varia Samus EX on preorder. My thought was a 3x1 Besta with Simon/Pit/Samus to represent my 'trinity' of NES outside of LoZ. F4F have expressed multiple times that they don't think there is enough interest for Pit and that one was already made and 'Vaulted'. They also are only able to make so many statues per year and only so many of them can be Nintendo statues. With no Kid Icarus game on the horizon, almost no 'vaulted' statues ever being pulled out and released, F4F believing there isn't demand, and few available 'slots' for Nintendo statues, I'm really thinking about cancelling Simon and Samus. They are both definitely great statues on their own merit, but to have those two with no Pit makes me wonder. I'm really kind of a collector that likes sets and complete teams, so to have only 2/3 for me would take some of my enjoyment away.
The hard part is that they individually are such good statues, and I would hate to make a 'mistake' by cancelling and then having to pay a high aftermarket price to get them.
Any thoughts???
I'm a casual fan, so I'm not the most savy here on F4F. Did they make a Pit statue or no?
Personally, I'd keep your preorders regardless. Don't let missing one, ruin the others.
I'm confused as to why those three properties are married together for you. They're great series (well, they have their highs and lows with some having lower lows than others) but I wouldn't think it would be a necessity to have the three together. When I think "sets" I think of statues within the same property. I.e. Nightmare and Taki from the Soul Calibur line. I wouldn't let the absence of Pit ruin your enjoyment of the other two.
They made a 'prototype' that was never shown or released. It's what they call "In the Vault", which basically means it never made it past the proto/concept stage and/or was not approved. I wouldn't say it would 'ruin' the others, but I can see myself looking at them and constantly thinking "Cool, but where is Pit?".
They are 'married' together for me because (outside of LoZ) they are my 3 favorite games/characters from NES era. Not just some top 3, but way way above any other NES games. I know they are different properties, but to me "Favorite Classic NES Games/Characters" is a set/series. The statue collection for me is definitely a nostalgia thing and Pit is a very important character for me in a nostalgia collection. Simon is straight from the cover art and Samus is technically from the later Prime series, but is what I basically imagined she was in the original game. Like a said before, I could see myself think how cool Samus/Simon are, but it would always end in "where is pit?".
Thanks for the input guys.
Personally I would keep them, and harrass as many companies as I could to make Pit. Or I would get a poster of pit as a background and stand the other two in front.
That's not a bad idea. Maybe I could get a milk carton with his pictures on it. Missing: Pit
So I heard the solid snake pre order opens again tomorrow! Awesome stuff. I’ve already pre ordered the ex, but it’s good for those who want to order now.
Chocks, will we see any kind of video of the updated solid snake with the changes? Live q&a or a making of? Would love to see the changes in a video rather than just the pictures. Cheers
awesome, cheers chockles!Of course. We will have things shown during our live Q&A later today and we have a comparison video to be shown as well
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Of course. We will have things shown during our live Q&A later today and we have a comparison video to be shown as well
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Licky basterd!I got the day 1 essential edition, cant wait to have them in my possession.