the angry orc
Super Freak
man this is gonna be cool...hulk + conan = pure awesome. looks like my lunch break gets spent going to the comics store.
Still leeching I see.
You're not very good at this are you?
Hey kid, I can change images as quickly as you can steal them from my photobucket site.
Other members are wondering what the hell is going on I suppose. Because I posted a funny picture about the son of hulk, this member thought the best recourse was to steal images from my photobucket site. This is pretty bad form and the end result is what you see here.
Shai, if you have a problem with the image I put up, there is no need to search through all my previous threads and steal my pictures. If you are going to steal them, than at least have the balls to host them yourself. Try talking and letting me know if you have a problem. Don't be such a princess.
i don't understand the problem. if you post a picture or store a picture on the internet where anyone can access it, it's fair game in my eyes to be used for public consumption. maybe i'm missing something.
who gives a ^^^^ unless its costing you $$$ in bandwidth. Which its not.... get off your ^^^^ing high-horse ...
Already? Cripes! I still haven't decided if Skaar sucks or not...
Yeah, I think it's a SDCC exclusive with other hulk stuff with Fin Fang Foom. I am sure P!TU will get them and post a vid.
all the Julie Bell covers were sold out.![]()
You might try Atomic in Chandler... I was just over there today and I thought I saw a couple on the shelf... give 'em a call: 480 940 6061
called them all, all gone. this was around 1:30. I got one reserved in tempe, but it's going to be $15. I wouldn't do that normally, but I like Julie Bell.
Think you might find it cheaper on eBay? $15.00 seems like a lot. What was the variant ratio for that cover? 1/10? 1/25? 1/50?
I think 1/20. Ebbay is 14.99 plus ship. I should have hit atomic at 11:00
who gives a ^^^^ unless its costing you $$$ in bandwidth. Which its not.... get off your ^^^^ing high-horse ...