Yeah, I know I posted it somewhere around these forums, but I do like the vampires in this movie. They're very animalistic in their behavior which is a nice change from the numerous other horror movies depicting them.not competing but the vampires in 30 days of night were really freaky and creepy looking
This is one of a few contests that I'm holding this weekend. I've got a weird schedule this weekend so the main difference between these and my normal ones is that I'm not announcing when they end. A contest could end in 10 minutes or 10 hours so get your entries in quick so you don't miss out. Winner will be chosen by however I decide at the time. Sometimes it may be The Wheel, and sometimes it may be grabbing my wife and asking which answer she likes best.
THE CONTEST: I have been legitimately scared by a character in a comic book movie. Name one that scared you as well in a post in this thread. I'll be pretty loose on what constitutes a comic book movie so there's no arguing.
THE PRIZE: Winner gets to choose either a Superman or Batman Dissected Vinyl Art Figure.
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Pruneface and Flattop from the D.i.c.k. Tracy movie. Saw this when I was 6 and they creeped me out.
Edited due to forum censorship.
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Sorry, XDUCKETTX. I was uploading the videos of the winners when you entered.
28 days/ weeks later is my personal favorite of the zombie/vamp flicks. more of a zombie flick but it's always reminded me of 30DON.
Scary character contest closed!
For first choice of prize:
CONGRATS DARTH MADDEN! Let me know which character you want and send me your name and address.
And since the Superman III robot lady scared the **** out of me as a kid, I'm spinning again for the figure Darth Madden doesn't choose from the people that said it scared them too.
CONGRATS ANGRY KAL-EL! You'll get the other figure. Send me your name and address.
I'm telling you, that **** was horrifying as a kid.
Scary character contest closed!
For first choice of prize:
CONGRATS DARTH MADDEN! Let me know which character you want and send me your name and address.
And since the Superman III robot lady scared the **** out of me as a kid, I'm spinning again for the figure Darth Madden doesn't choose from the people that said it scared them too.
CONGRATS ANGRY KAL-EL! You'll get the other figure. Send me your name and address.
I'm telling you, that **** was horrifying as a kid.
I don't recall vampires in that one, but I wouldn't doubt it. It's been a while since I've seen this movie.
What I like about 28 days is that the zombies are not the typical Romero type. These undead monsters can run! Now that's f00ked up for any of the ones still living!
Entering just for the heck of it. International shipping oof. If I win, turn the wheel again fun to know I`d won something anyways.
Needs to be mentioned anyways. Scared the #### out of me as a kid, always jumped over that scene afterwards.
wonder what knock means...