Like a gig poster?
promo poster for the album coming out at the time
Vander's Rockin' Mort Kit Giveaway Contest
How many folks here are familiar with the trend of painting rocks and leaving them out for others to find and either keep for themselves or re-hide? Sometime a hashtag is included on the back of the rock so you can track where it's been? Well, it's a thing, and it hit pretty big here in Erie, PA this spring...
Now, you guys might not know this about me but I'm a pretty big nerd, so I painted and put out somewhere around 70 pop culture based rocks over the last few months. For this contest you have to try and guess who or what I painted on said rocks. Be specific, don't just say "Star Wars" or "Rick & Morty" say "Jar Jar Binks" or "Photography Raptor"
You can only enter once for this contest, but in that one post you can make up to 20 different guesses. Whoever can correctly guess the most rocks will be the winner, and if it's a tie we go to random draw. Contest closes 24 hours from now, so get those guesses in!
Oh, and here's a Mort rock I just painted this morning while in the chat, maybe I'll throw that in with the winner's Mort kit if they want it?
Welcome to my second contest. Everyone can play within the USA, but if you are a lurker who never contributes just trying to win then you may be omitted.
Prizes: Winner chooses one of the following:
a sealed copy of Sin City A Dame to Kill for on dvd
a ThinkGeek T-Shirt with the mascot monkey dressed as the Borg from Star Trek size 2XL
a 40th Anniversary Darth Vader 6" action figure MOC
possibly something else if I can find something that interests the winner more
Now for the contest:
I have mentioned my favorite bands in here numerous times. One of my all time favorites once did a promo poster spoofing a horror movie poster.
First to post images of both the promo poster the band made, as well as the original movie poster it spoofed wins. Have fun!
No real need for multiple guesses per person, as if you get it you get it. But I'll allow multiple answers every 15 minutes.
Contest will run until someone wins, or until I decide no one is going to get it and pull the plug so the prizes can move to a new contest. (tomorrow night probably)
I know I found the poster. I just don't know what it is spoofing yet.
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Vander's Rockin' Mort Kit Giveaway Contest
How many folks here are familiar with the trend of painting rocks and leaving them out for others to find and either keep for themselves or re-hide? Sometime a hashtag is included on the back of the rock so you can track where it's been? Well, it's a thing, and it hit pretty big here in Erie, PA this spring...
Now, you guys might not know this about me but I'm a pretty big nerd, so I painted and put out somewhere around 70 pop culture based rocks over the last few months. For this contest you have to try and guess who or what I painted on said rocks. Be specific, don't just say "Star Wars" or "Rick & Morty" say "Jar Jar Binks" or "Photography Raptor"
You can only enter once for this contest, but in that one post you can make up to 20 different guesses. Whoever can correctly guess the most rocks will be the winner, and if it's a tie we go to random draw. Contest closes 24 hours from now, so get those guesses in!
1.Family Guy Stewie
2.Simpsons Krusty
3.Jar Jar Binks
5.Rick Sanchez
7.Wonder Woman
8.The Flash
10.Darth Maul
11.Marvin the Martian
12.American Dad Roger
13.Futurama Leela
15.Captain America's Shield
17.Kermit The Frog
18.The Hulk
20. Minion Stuart
The Rules: One guess per person. Post your guess in the Freaktacular thread. If you guess the correct number then you win. If no one guesses the correct number than the closest three guesses will get a spin on The Wheel. Contest ends today at 6pm Central Time.
The Contest: Guess how many pins I have on my backpack.
The Prize: