So, if things go as planned, between 8am and 11am they should be installing internet and cable, so I may stop going as crazy [emoji14]
I mean, we have to redo the entire house, since I moved into another room for my office so I wouldn't have to empty out shelves and a closet, so I'm downsizing a lot. Selling off tons of stuff I have that doesn't mean anything to me. Keeping any gifts no matter how big or small I've gotten from people over the years, and keeping things that have more personal value or I truly enjoy, but getting rid of a lot of statues, like my DC Bombshell collection, even my original Harley from the line. Going to refocus my life on less clutter and possessions, more time spent being creative, surrounding myself with friends, finding inspiration, and once I can afford a new keyboard rack, a LOT of music recording. In the mean time, I have like 50 piles of books to get on shelves surrounding me, and a lot of stuff to sell and give away to people. Been giving friends statues left and right... selling stuff off everywhere... just cleansing and purging. It feels damn good. (Not getting rid of ANY of my Sideshow figures, don't worry. All of those have very personal spots for me... even the one the evil ex got me, simply because I love Escape from NY, even if that piece came from a rotten demon husk) but yea. I don't miss her at all. That's probably a sign. I treated myself to some fresh vinyl and a new coat this week for recovery. Got a sample of an unproduced coat, maybe 4 total exist. It's pretty badass, I got it for about 80% off what it would cost if they put it into full production, and since it is a sample it is hand made, not machined through a factory. It looks very Cyberpunk Templar, almost out of The Secret World. Was originally going to be a Devil May Cry coat apparently, but I see it as a Templar coat. Going to really go over the top on a new costume with this one. Once it arrives and some of the fluid shakes off I'll get pictures.
So, fluid retention peaked at around 185lbs for my total weight. I'm already back down to about 156lbs.... mind everyone here I've been staying at about 160lbs since October or so, and my normal weight is closer to 135-140. It's kind of a miraculous loss. They did drain 5 liters of infected fluid out of my abdomen though in the hospital. My side is still tender from the giant needles and suction tubing they used. The stuff looked like a red wine. It was terrifying to see that much come out of me.
Anyways, I'm still Jack Harkness, I can not die! 5 or 6 times now Death has tried... but I resist her sweet temptations each time. Anyways, once I get internet tomorrow I'll let everyone know how things are and be back to regularly posting, but this spotty 1 bar of wifi randomly every 5-10 minutes **** is really annoying, so I'm going to get back to shelving books and finding stuff to get rid of. I hope everyone is having a good time! Oh, and be warned, if I get my transplant or I'm healthy enough during Spook... Juan and I will be doing some crazy things... It will get nuts.
Edit - I did get to IKEA today, got another DETOLF. It's going in my office so that all of my 1/6th scale stuff can stay closer to me at all times.

My frst 1/6th scale figure was a Resident Evil 5 Jill Valentine in Combat Suit from a close family member when I nearly died at age 22. Still trying to get my hands on the STARS Jill Valentine sadly. Probably my favorite video game character of all time. I played a lot of Resident Evil in my teen years, and Ultima Online. UO just has crappy McFarlane junk that won't stay standing up.