Basically, one of my earliest memories snooping for Christmas presents resulted in me finding the Monchhichi weeks early in my parent's closet. I couldn't let on that I found it, and the new few weeks were murder on me waiting to get my grubby little hands on the monkey. When I finally got him we were inseparable. I took that little guy everywhere. And it shows! His hair is old and matted, he no longer has a tail, his face is cracked from falling off my bike and getting his face caught in the spokes, his hair is unglued and held with a rubber band, he lost part of his hand and foot, his neck is held together with medical tape, his face is scratched down from where I was riding my bike and decided to hold his face against the road and I rode. [emoji38]
My mom has thrown him away in the trash at least 3 different times, and each time I dug him out and kept him. He is what I will grab if there is ever a fire and I can only grab one thing. My brother and I have grown to refer to him as "Old Chi".
I made up numerous adventures and stories of him when I was young. And have given him various accessories throughout the years. In his case with him is a gun belt and holster, and a glass whiskey bottle with cork. [emoji38]