Freaktacular 2017

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Re: Freaktacular 2015

I love all these great ways to pick random names.... I'm gonna have to think of some good ones for next year.
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Here's my entry I couldn't come close to finishing the color so I'm just entering the sketch.

1. The Phlebotomist

2. The Phlebotomist is a demon summoned to avenge those innocent souls who were taken via a very violent and bloody death. Over the centuries he has begun incorporating more modern techniques of draining the blood of his victims, now armed with large syringes that pump the blood directly into his brain. He feeds from them as the die of exsanguination. He then rips the heart from the body keeping it as a trophy. Once summoned to avenge a death he can not be stopped until his blood lust is has been satiated.

3. Appearance
Phlebotimist1 SM.jpg
The Phlebotomist Print Small.jpg

4. Weapon: Large Syringes attached to his fingers

5. Those who commit violence against innocent souls

6. The name of the movie your character would star in: Evil in the Veins
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Our Special Forces are quick, but not that smart. They've detained your neighbor and think he was the one connecting with the Serbians. He was captured trying to destroy all the evidence...




:rotfl :goodpost:
Re: Freaktacular 2015

Chat still isn't working

Go to the link posted a page or so back, type #SSF as if you were chatting that, and then click on it when it posts... a few of us are in there
Re: Freaktacular 2015

First time I've had to catch up on about 15 pages or so since we started! :lol Also missed my first code while driving to work. TERRIBLE traffic today. Blah! Also was hoping to do something fancy for the Reaping, but the time constraints on when it's due really handcuff me from really getting too create anything due to my shift ending and me getting home an hour before it ends. Also the 15 second video limit on Instagram doesn't help. Can't do what I was thinking with limits like that!


Re: Freaktacular 2015

Some great entries guys! I'll have another good look at them over the weekend and announce the winner asap. I'm out tomorrow day and I'm at a family party in the evening so won't be online much tomorrow. Still four hours left for any late entries! :clap
Re: Freaktacular 2015

The Reaping isn't on Instagram, it's on Facebook and Twitter but still, love the gif Golden_Boy! :lol

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