I saw one of these in person yesterday, didn't even know my friend had ordered it, as I hadn't been around there in a while, and he's not that much of a collector anyway, just a very casual one who impulse purchases things that he thinks look cool every so often (and has the free cash to easily do so). So seeing him with one of these was a bit of a surprise frankly.
Honestly, in person I wasn't that impressed, especially considering the price point this hit at, and was secretly glad I never ordered this myself, given that I was strongly considering doing so for quite a while there. In person it just seemed, to me, like it lacked presence, and looked a bit cheap and lacking in finesse and overall polish. Those 'little things' that make or break a high end piece. So many little things that should have been done better or been better crafted instead just seemed like they were done in the cheapest and easiest method possible. And the result of this was a piece that, for me, lacked true impact. I just didn't feel a whole lot of artists pride in the piece, you know?
I mean it's not terrible or anything, at a lower price point maybe I'd feel a little bit warmer towards it, but it could have, and I personally think should have, been so much better, given the cost, size, and iconic subject matter.
My friend seemed a little underwhelmed by his purchase as well if I'm being honest, but he's got money to burn so I don't think it'll bother him too much. Me, personally I would have felt more than a little burnt.
But hey, to paraphrase The Dude, that just, like, my opinion man, so to all who have and love it, more power to you.