Fremens collection of chaos.

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Iron man mark V


and my new preds together.

Wow...insane truly are the Lady of Chaos.

I would have to agree with a black background, really makes those works of art pop.
Thanks everyone.

You know, I never took the IM suitcase out because I'm not going to display it so I don't know if it opens up or not.
WOW AWESOME COLLECTION:clap I would be NEVER get anything done so much WIN beauty ,you could charge money for a tour of your BAD ASS collection.......LOVE it alll AWESOME !!!!!!!:clap:wave
Thanks Highlander and ambasah. I picked up a reg vampirella yesterday locally. I want one to display with the reg head as well. Got her for a good price.
Its nice to see all the cool statue I dont have! Those HT are superb!
I always come by and see your collection! Very happy you decided to join this forum! :)
Thanks Ave. :wave I like to look at yours to see all the statues I don't have. The batman on gargoyle, green latern, Dare Devil, etc. :monkey2
Thanks Sarvesh. I have seen a few woman with some amazing collections. We're out there.

It's not often I get two of something. Usually only Hot Toys if I like it enough and you can make two different figures out of it but I picked up a reg Vampirella yesterday so I could display with the Reg head because I like both heads a lot. She was local and a good price.

I also bought this one on the same day. Do you still think I'm the perfect woman? See, I collect girly stuff too. Actually, the room that I put this in is the room that I'd like to get a couple of ARH pieces for. Problem is, I'm outta room.

I also bought this one on the same day. Do you still think I'm the perfect woman? See, I collect girly stuff too. Actually, the room that I put this in is the room that I'd like to get a couple of ARH pieces for. Problem is, I'm outta room.


This fairy is actually extremely beautiful:clap Sell what you don't really need Fremen..Those ARH pieces are absolute killers!
But, but, I NEED everything. That's my problem.

I can't get rid of any of my dragons. I just can't. Besides, the market on them bombed a few years ago so I'd have to sell them for way cheaper then I'm willing to let them go for.