I have to admit that the top-end 1/6 scale action figure manufacturers are releasing more accurate sculpts. It is definitely not a paint app issue, in this case.
I consider myself perhaps the biggest fan of Frodo on this site
I possess 11 Frodo figures, a Frodo PEZ, and 20 unique wallhangings featuring him, one of which I got signed by Elijah Wood in person. Cute username though.
To do that, you would've had to push Sam and me out of the bed. Didn't happen.
I would really like to like Weta's character sculptures, but if they can't even pull off a decent likeness for their Master's Collection, I don't think I ever will. They do excel at environments - the cart and horse are beautiful - and I admit even Gandalf looks acceptable, but to be fair, half of his face is covered by his beard. Much as I love this scene, can't see myself dropping ~$1k+ on it.
Pass for me,just wasn?t impressed with TB,but Gollum was nice from the ML,a bit small tho.Congrats to those who ordered hopefully paint apps will be crisp
I fail to see how anyone could not have been impressed by TreebeardI mean, what did you want to see? Real bark?
Weta priced me out on the whole VAT debacle. Nice stuff and I applaud them for sticking with it, but value for money is not there anymore (IMO).
Other parts of the world also pay VAT, but they are charged after the statue is sent. In the EU, we are just charged it upon order, and actually it seems that we EARN Weta dollars on it! No-one else in the world does. So we got away with not paying the VAT for years, and now we're even earning rewards on the tax! So we really do not have any reason to moan.