Super Freak
Sideshow Alex - There is no line for the Edition Size on the product page, not even TBD.
Is this going to be an open edition?
Is this going to be an open edition?
Sideshow Alex - There is no line for the Edition Size on the product page, not even TBD.
Is this going to be an open edition?
Sideshow Alex - There is no line for the Edition Size on the product page, not even TBD.
Is this going to be an open edition?
not a chance...IMHO it will be around 500 for the exclusive
Well, the line 'Edition Size - TBD' is not there.
not yet...give it time..It would not shock me for them to wait a couple of months to see how the Hobbit film does with sales for these two Hobbits,then put ES ...just a thought...I just for some reason do not see open ES here
you dont seem to understand, it should be ES: TBD for what you are saying. or ES: Limited Edition for open edition.
A complete missing edition size text is very strange and should not happen.
I get almost all LOTR stuff, it's still my favorite line, but lately, I've been less trigger happy and I'm on the fence with this one. It's an iconic scene but I prefer Sam and Frodo to be in their hobbit outfits, the sculpt of their faces could be better but not bad, but I just don't like their orc outfits, it looks almost too busy and bumpy. I have to sleep on this.
I have order through SS for over 10 years now...This has happened before...watch it show up one of these days unless for some reason SS is copying Wetas Open Edition ways...Anyway I'm not worried and dont care either frankly...either way it's a nice piece and ...well....Different...I like it...I just dont see anybody displaying this with helmets on though...I will make only one exception ...if these guys are displayed next to or are surrounded by Orc statues and have to wear the disguise...LOL
I will display them with no helmets and put the 1/6 GG bust helmets on the display base
I just dont see anybody displaying this with helmets on though
Is it a foregone conclusion that there will be no other Frodo or Sam statues?
Is it a foregone conclusion that there will be no other Frodo or Sam statues?