Thanks Krayt! Frodo looks great. I bet a nice re-paint will bring out the full Elijah likeness.
Resized this one (thx again JR)
Of all the figures I've seen Sideshow produce,
just received my shipping notice for these two....signature required. fk!!!!!!!!!!
I agree 100%/ I have to add 3 days onto anything I have to sign for - 1 day for UPS to not show up, 1 day for me to be at work, and 1 day for them to ignore my request to leave it at the door and give it to my neighbor.
I am VERY concerned about the apparent depth of Hot Toys' involvement in these figures. Every Hot Toys figure I have has the split seams at the ankles AND wrists. Is this what I have to look forward to in my Sideshow figures, now?
Frodo does LOOK, though.