IC was the only Marvel piece which will NOT be sacrificed because he was essentially factured into the Home Theater budget, especially since he will be displayed in that room.
I had to have at least one Marvel statue so I chose the 1:2 Scale to represent
I think of anyone here, you were the only one who saw this coming awhile back actually.....
U are da man son! I said Da man!!
Now I just need my 1:2 Scale Cap
...I would sit little Wolvie inside the shield and push him down the snow hill outside and occasionally serve salad with it
Regarding Wolverine PF, more than likely my WL will be cancelled as well.
Stupid Home Theater.....
Man, I can't wait to watch Iron Man in that room and then the Iron Man 2 bootleg...
My 2nd 2,400watt Sub arrives this Friday
Or is it my 3rd...I forgot....