Broke and happy
Road Warrior is so much more than just a great chase sequence.
The fact that Humungus refers to his group of men as “Gayboy berserkers” and “Smegma crazies” really says it all, that could not be filmed today, I’m surprised dumb hollywood hasn’t scrubbed this movie yet.
Man when Humungus refers to Wez as “You Puppy” I freaking laughed my ass off!
Also for me the first villain to wear a full on hockey mask was definitely not Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th part 3 in 1982, it was Lord Humungus and I always preferred Humungus spelled this way lol
But the movie really hits a narrative high point when Max’s hubris lands him with a destroyed interceptor and dead dog and finds himself back at the compound with his tail between his legs.
If not for Gyro he was done, Gyro had the balls of steel to go rescue Max at his interceptor wreckage even after how Max treated him!
By the way that Gyro copter is insane and used brilliantly in the movie not once do you not believe Spence is not flying it with the way they filmed it and it serves multiple purposes in the movie and even acts as a camera plus it looks glorious when filmed from above by another camera position in a helicopter, just glorious.
The kinetic feel of speed is thrilling and it gives a birds eye view of the entire chase positioning just wow.
Then Max wakes up at the compound in the same room with the dead guy that Wez killed no coincidence there as Max looks at him and realizes that he almost ended up dead at the hands of Wez himself and then when the Feral kid pops his head through the door upside down and drops down with his bag the movie reaches prime narrative purpose for me it becomes a true masterpiece at that very moment before the end chase even begins.
As much as we all love his car the wreckage of his interceptor is so important for the character because that’s the tipping point (literally the car tips and tumbles over and over) when he realizes that he needs to roam the wasteland helping others and not just himself.
The wreckage turns his guilt of not being able to protect his family into a force of will to now help others, the wreckage was the physical representation of him leaving his old way of self preservation, internal conflict and guilt behind.
Pappagallo knew this and tried to tell Max before he took off and this is why Pappagallo easily allows Max to drive the rig even after Max punched him and deserted the compound to fend for themselves. Pappagallo even makes Max say later on “I’m the best chance you got”
Amazing how the tables have turned on Max, have turned for Max, and it ends with a head nod between the 2 men.
Even Gyro and the blonde girl give each other a smile between the 2 I like that Gyro was a gentleman even after the girl chose her family over him and both returned the respect for each other.
The movie is full of narrative reciprocation.
Regarding Max going “mad”, crazy and hallucinating later on in the series it does open up a new narrative for the character I guess they wanted to play up the Mad part of his name and not just Max.
I’m neither here or there with it. I don’t hate it, but I also don’t need it either for me to appreciate the character.
Going back to Road Warrior when you add in the chase action sequences this movie surpasses masterpiece level and exceeded anything that had come before it, anything we had experienced up to that point.
It is the Star Wars of Vehicle action movies and Post Apocalyptic action movies.
That climatic chase is a master class on what can be accomplished in 13-16 minutes of action screen time.
The bombastic music building up the tension and the stakes.
Humungus and Wez’s deaths are legendary!
Those 2 tied up blokes in the front of the car didn’t fare much better either lol
I was there opening night I write this love letter for those that are new to this masterpiece so that they can better appreciate what’s going on with this little low budget movie made crazy gonzo gorilla style in the rough desert of a rough country.
I was flabbergasted opening night in that theater shaken to the core on what could be accomplished with crazy aussie stunt men and a director with eclectic ideas.
We need an Inart Road Warrior Max, Wez, Humungus and YES a Feral Kid with rooted hair and seamless body holy crap that would be nuts!!!
Messy rooted hair would be just perfect lol
Wor-Gar would spend the rest of his life searching for the perfect Feral Kid socks!
Crazy what that kid accomplished on that movie at his age, his acting and facial expressions, just crazy.
Always loved these images:
Especially when Max glances over at the rising sun with just a slight eye movement to the horizon on his left.
Then it shifts to the engine going from being still to a close up of it spinning (whirring in the subtitles) as a close up representation of his mind trying to escape his destiny.
Anyone else ever notice the photo of Humungus in his brief case prior the Apocalypse with his wife
or were those his parents!
How about the fact that the warrior woman did not want the paraplegic mechanic on the war rig but he argued with her (called her a bastard) so he got on and she died because of him when she went to go rescue him although his death is way more brutal than hers was, yikes!
I used to think there was something to the bullet count in the movie between Max and Humungus and at times I still do but I also think i’m just being over zealous with theories lol
Sue me the movie is a 10 out of 10, it has zero problems it is worth all of the attention.
Not even the one “sped up” scene ruins anything in this movie.
The fact that Humungus refers to his group of men as “Gayboy berserkers” and “Smegma crazies” really says it all, that could not be filmed today, I’m surprised dumb hollywood hasn’t scrubbed this movie yet.
Man when Humungus refers to Wez as “You Puppy” I freaking laughed my ass off!
Also for me the first villain to wear a full on hockey mask was definitely not Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th part 3 in 1982, it was Lord Humungus and I always preferred Humungus spelled this way lol
But the movie really hits a narrative high point when Max’s hubris lands him with a destroyed interceptor and dead dog and finds himself back at the compound with his tail between his legs.
If not for Gyro he was done, Gyro had the balls of steel to go rescue Max at his interceptor wreckage even after how Max treated him!
By the way that Gyro copter is insane and used brilliantly in the movie not once do you not believe Spence is not flying it with the way they filmed it and it serves multiple purposes in the movie and even acts as a camera plus it looks glorious when filmed from above by another camera position in a helicopter, just glorious.
The kinetic feel of speed is thrilling and it gives a birds eye view of the entire chase positioning just wow.
Then Max wakes up at the compound in the same room with the dead guy that Wez killed no coincidence there as Max looks at him and realizes that he almost ended up dead at the hands of Wez himself and then when the Feral kid pops his head through the door upside down and drops down with his bag the movie reaches prime narrative purpose for me it becomes a true masterpiece at that very moment before the end chase even begins.
As much as we all love his car the wreckage of his interceptor is so important for the character because that’s the tipping point (literally the car tips and tumbles over and over) when he realizes that he needs to roam the wasteland helping others and not just himself.
The wreckage turns his guilt of not being able to protect his family into a force of will to now help others, the wreckage was the physical representation of him leaving his old way of self preservation, internal conflict and guilt behind.
Pappagallo knew this and tried to tell Max before he took off and this is why Pappagallo easily allows Max to drive the rig even after Max punched him and deserted the compound to fend for themselves. Pappagallo even makes Max say later on “I’m the best chance you got”
Amazing how the tables have turned on Max, have turned for Max, and it ends with a head nod between the 2 men.
Even Gyro and the blonde girl give each other a smile between the 2 I like that Gyro was a gentleman even after the girl chose her family over him and both returned the respect for each other.
The movie is full of narrative reciprocation.
Regarding Max going “mad”, crazy and hallucinating later on in the series it does open up a new narrative for the character I guess they wanted to play up the Mad part of his name and not just Max.
I’m neither here or there with it. I don’t hate it, but I also don’t need it either for me to appreciate the character.
Going back to Road Warrior when you add in the chase action sequences this movie surpasses masterpiece level and exceeded anything that had come before it, anything we had experienced up to that point.
It is the Star Wars of Vehicle action movies and Post Apocalyptic action movies.
That climatic chase is a master class on what can be accomplished in 13-16 minutes of action screen time.
The bombastic music building up the tension and the stakes.
Humungus and Wez’s deaths are legendary!
Those 2 tied up blokes in the front of the car didn’t fare much better either lol
I was there opening night I write this love letter for those that are new to this masterpiece so that they can better appreciate what’s going on with this little low budget movie made crazy gonzo gorilla style in the rough desert of a rough country.
I was flabbergasted opening night in that theater shaken to the core on what could be accomplished with crazy aussie stunt men and a director with eclectic ideas.
We need an Inart Road Warrior Max, Wez, Humungus and YES a Feral Kid with rooted hair and seamless body holy crap that would be nuts!!!
Messy rooted hair would be just perfect lol
Wor-Gar would spend the rest of his life searching for the perfect Feral Kid socks!

Crazy what that kid accomplished on that movie at his age, his acting and facial expressions, just crazy.
Always loved these images:

Especially when Max glances over at the rising sun with just a slight eye movement to the horizon on his left.
Then it shifts to the engine going from being still to a close up of it spinning (whirring in the subtitles) as a close up representation of his mind trying to escape his destiny.

Anyone else ever notice the photo of Humungus in his brief case prior the Apocalypse with his wife

How about the fact that the warrior woman did not want the paraplegic mechanic on the war rig but he argued with her (called her a bastard) so he got on and she died because of him when she went to go rescue him although his death is way more brutal than hers was, yikes!
I used to think there was something to the bullet count in the movie between Max and Humungus and at times I still do but I also think i’m just being over zealous with theories lol
Sue me the movie is a 10 out of 10, it has zero problems it is worth all of the attention.
Not even the one “sped up” scene ruins anything in this movie.
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