Okay, here's the point where I rant like a child for just a bit before I get back to the fine art of collecting! Mostly due to the fact that I have had two fine cocktails this evening upon the week anniversary of missing the diorama.
Why on earth would some heartless scalper want to gouge me, or any of you, for up to $600 for a piece that we may have missed by only and hour or two. I mean, Boo Hoo! You stayed up all night to try to make four hundred dollars off someone who really wants to have the piece? Shameless! I mean, this anonymous ebay guy (who is probably reading this, or maybe even a forum member) solicits me for $600, and then whines about having to pay sales tax and shipping for the item. I mean, WTF? Seriously. This guy doesn't think paying him $100 or more on top of his expenses is enough, he has to gouge my broken heart too? Why the he11 would you buy the d#$n thing if you didn't want it? (Don't answer that, I know the answer) Greedy ba$terd!!!
Sideshow! Come on, I love your product. Why do you have to break my heart with this type of treatment? There really is no hope for me.
Anton someday we will convert you to "Silvery Goodness"
Still kind of jealous of you sir.
He's just bitter his color versions dont get the attention the SSE's do...
I like the color versions. However, like The Monster I wish there were a more even distribution of color versus silver screen edition. Because, as can be seen by the SSE vs Color poll, the SSE is running at two to one. And in reality, on the dio at least, there is one in 6.5 in the wrong ratio. Don't get me wrong, I understand the need and marketability of exclusives. But that just seems wrong. Does anyone honestly think that Sideshow would have had a hard time selling 100 of this diorama? Who benefits from the lower number? The scalpers and flippers benefit the most, while I am left with a bad taste about SS.
Probably the best time to make this purchase would be the beginning of summer. Though, I'm warning you Fury, if you bid and buy it for that price, I'm on the next flight to Vegas to kick you right in the coin purse!

Nam, your comments always make me laugh. You are one of the many forum members who are making this endevour worthwhile and somewhat bearable. Per many members' suggestions, I will be trying to stay out of the bidding wars for the first two or three pieces. Not sure how I will be able to manage that though.
I dont see more than 2 goin for a crazy price ...
they dont have the following other lines have and I dont expect anywhere near comparable prices.
Occulum, I sincerely hope you are correct on these points. I'm dying to get this into my grubby little hands, but am trying to logically follow the advice of many of you on the proper course of obtaining one. That means being patient, which is definately not one of my stronger traits. With collectors shelling out larger sums at the start of the speculator sell off, I believe the people purchasing these want them as strongly as I do. Therefore, those pieces will likely never be available again, leading to a smaller number available for sale later, by those waiting for the price to skyrocket. I just don't know.
If anyone is actually still reading all of my posts and desperate searching for this diorama, then I think you are angels, one and all!
Okay, sorry for all that. Now back to our regularly scheduled program! I'm going back to watch Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man again. Another obsessive compulsive activity I have picked up!