I bet Cavill regrets passing on the MCU roles (were they Hyperion, Sentry, Reed, Doom or Captain Britain) now.
This is just embarassing at this point... Call me when they do a proper New Gods film or Green Lantern Trilogy with Hal N' Pals. I'd take a Deathstroke project as well (mostly to get a doll). Beyond that, I don't care about yet another reboot of Batman, and nothing else interests me from DC (barring Vertigo and early WildStorm of course), so... Bring me my Space Operas, dammit!
If they just have to do a black Superman for whatever reason, they should skip Val Zod. I was reading Earth 2 at the time and have his first appearance in print and everything, but he's a somehow even more bland Miles. I'd say I don't know how that's possible, but he was created by Tom Taylor whom I loathe, while Miles was a Bendis creation who used to have some talent, so it kinda makes sense. He's not even a character, just a walking prop. Typical "wimpy guy scared to assume the mantle who eventually embraces it" and beyond that he ***** Power Girl. That's his whole character. Gods & Monsters Superman was a Zod-like Supes, and he was a genuinely interesting character that I'd love to see more of. Val Zod? No thanks. He's got a great costume though, I'll give him that. Blue looks better with the white/silver secondary colour; it makes him look more regal.
Anyway, for my money, if they really wanna be [current day] so badly, they should do Calvin Ellis. I actually really like the guy and he makes more sense to me than regular Superman. Imagine being a "god" with a quantum computer brain, and spending your time being a journalist. It's honestly insulting. It's partly why I never got into Superman. He pisses me off with how he wastes his potential. Meanwhile Ellis became POTUS. He's got robots with his likeness so that he can be everywhere, he's got a cool costume and generally uses his powers to the max while not going full dictator (another Tom Taylor nonsense, InJustine, which I dislike as well). If they do a Calvin Superman film, I'm game. Especially if they go full Morrison and fill it with the weird sci-fi/Multiversity stuff his version tangles with. But Val Zod or "Clark Kent... but he's black!111!!", no thank you. And as I said I don't even like regular/Clark Kent Superman. I'm just not a fan of stunt casting. Oh, how they ruined my Kang... But yeah, I'd actually watch a President Superman film. Same way I'd love a Blue Marvel one if it starred Denzel. President Superman and Super Scientist Superman appeal to me more. I love MiracleMan too, and I always thought Sentry had potential. Hyperion is underrated as well. Honestly, I like the Quasi-Superman much more than the original flavour.
Whatever, I think this would look cool in dolly form, provided it was accompanied by a good performance (and the actor was handsome; remember my Dreamworks Kang Rule...):

This is just embarassing at this point... Call me when they do a proper New Gods film or Green Lantern Trilogy with Hal N' Pals. I'd take a Deathstroke project as well (mostly to get a doll). Beyond that, I don't care about yet another reboot of Batman, and nothing else interests me from DC (barring Vertigo and early WildStorm of course), so... Bring me my Space Operas, dammit!
If they just have to do a black Superman for whatever reason, they should skip Val Zod. I was reading Earth 2 at the time and have his first appearance in print and everything, but he's a somehow even more bland Miles. I'd say I don't know how that's possible, but he was created by Tom Taylor whom I loathe, while Miles was a Bendis creation who used to have some talent, so it kinda makes sense. He's not even a character, just a walking prop. Typical "wimpy guy scared to assume the mantle who eventually embraces it" and beyond that he ***** Power Girl. That's his whole character. Gods & Monsters Superman was a Zod-like Supes, and he was a genuinely interesting character that I'd love to see more of. Val Zod? No thanks. He's got a great costume though, I'll give him that. Blue looks better with the white/silver secondary colour; it makes him look more regal.
Anyway, for my money, if they really wanna be [current day] so badly, they should do Calvin Ellis. I actually really like the guy and he makes more sense to me than regular Superman. Imagine being a "god" with a quantum computer brain, and spending your time being a journalist. It's honestly insulting. It's partly why I never got into Superman. He pisses me off with how he wastes his potential. Meanwhile Ellis became POTUS. He's got robots with his likeness so that he can be everywhere, he's got a cool costume and generally uses his powers to the max while not going full dictator (another Tom Taylor nonsense, InJustine, which I dislike as well). If they do a Calvin Superman film, I'm game. Especially if they go full Morrison and fill it with the weird sci-fi/Multiversity stuff his version tangles with. But Val Zod or "Clark Kent... but he's black!111!!", no thank you. And as I said I don't even like regular/Clark Kent Superman. I'm just not a fan of stunt casting. Oh, how they ruined my Kang... But yeah, I'd actually watch a President Superman film. Same way I'd love a Blue Marvel one if it starred Denzel. President Superman and Super Scientist Superman appeal to me more. I love MiracleMan too, and I always thought Sentry had potential. Hyperion is underrated as well. Honestly, I like the Quasi-Superman much more than the original flavour.
Whatever, I think this would look cool in dolly form, provided it was accompanied by a good performance (and the actor was handsome; remember my Dreamworks Kang Rule...):