OK. After being initially underwhelmed by the line, I was really impressed with the packaging for the HISS and picked one up to keep MIB. Then, I decided to pick up another one to open up. WOW! Hasbro absolutely crushed it with the tooling and design for both the HISS and its driver. As of yet, I haven't seen the AWE Striker or FANG in stores. I just wanted to pick up a HISS from the beginning but who knows? If a see an AWE Striker or FANG, I might pick one of them up to.
I have only seen Wave 1 of the figures in stores and I wasn't impressed at all but wanted to give one of them a shot. HATE the face on Baroness and Snake Eyes just doesn't seem like Snake Eyes to me so I picked up Storm Shadow to open. Very disappointing. His crucial backpack doesn't even stay in place, it keeps falling out of the hole in his back. Most of his weapons can't/won't fit on his body OR HIS HANDS!!! I could only get his large sword to fit in his hands and that's only if he holds it with both hands.
Destro has always been my favorite character, so if I see him in stores, I'll pick him up but completely skip the rest of the figures.