As a longtime Joefan (collected RAH, then the Hasbro "Relaunch" of JvC, Spytroops, VvV, then the 25th Anniversary stuff, etc.) who has been "off" the Joe-train for a while and is slowly grabbing some of the Classified line; I can pretty much confirm that MOST fans are very happy with the Classified Series. But you have small bands of fans that want everything as near realistic as possible...they want 'real' guns, no bright colors (back to traditional military colors), and little deviation in the traditional designs.
It was interesting to see the fan "groups" at the Joe Conventions (I attended two). You had the traditional 12" G.I. Joe fans (who also liked "Action Man" and that stuff) and then the "Real American Hero" fans. At this time, the focus was clearly on "RAH" and the successor lines and the community was pretty prolific with big support by Hasbro. That unfortunately died down in recent years until recently.
Anyways - there are two main issues with G.I. Joe: Its popularity (by fans)/support (by Hasbro) is too much of a roller-coaster AND it is a controversial toyline due to the military/terrorism links that tie to world events over the past 20+ years. Hasbro transitioning to brighter colors and "fake-ish" weaponry is their best attempt to capture the classic looks and styles without saying their "glorifying" war.
I'm sure what you'll see in due time is the same thing you've seen that happened in years' past. Customizers will makemolds based on "real" guns for your figures, and Hasbro, who recognizes the value of their long-time fans, will release some figures here-and-there based more on the "classic" designs..either as online exclusives or mixed in with a regular wave.
I guess the good thing is, despite mucking it up every once-in-a-while (Sigma Six? Rise of Cobra movie/figures?), Hasbro still keeps going with G.I. Joe. It's one of their longest and most popular toylines and helped make them the company they are today.