Super Freak
Target figures sold out the second they were listed
I'm definitely going to echo your statement, F you Target! I had my wife on her Target app refreshing for me while I was scoring Zartan and the infantry soldier on Pulse. I finally got those two ordered after getting kicked once but my wife never saw them listed on Target until later when they were sold out.DAMMIT!
I was there waiting at 4:00 ct when they were supposed to be up, kept refreshing and after they didn't show, went back to cooking.
By the time I saw them at 4:10 or something, they're GONE.
F you Target!
Oof! What idiot made that call? That?s the easiest way to kill a line. Don?t carry forward the figures nobody really cared for the first time. They could have pretty much picked any 2 other figures. Snake Eyes, Destro, and the Red Ninja would have been far better choices.
I get the necessary evil of store exclusives but this decision was just idiotic. I can?t believe anyone with any knowledge of the brand would have thought this was the best choice. Even if these were last minute replacements for movie figures, they could have chosen far better. At least Zartan and the Infantry are 2 per case.
I get underestimating the line?s popularity at first. They were playing it safe. But that case pack out is just not understanding the property. This Roadblock isn?t the Rock. He isn?t the most popular Joe. He?s a beloved character, sure, but he?s already has two figures and didn?t need a rerelease so early. And why Scarlett if they still believe ?female figures don?t sell.? I think any of us could have told them this was a bad idea without even seeing the figures beforehand. You can?t go wrong with Snake Eyes, especially with a movie coming out. You want him readily available when that first trailer drops.
This day has been such a roller coaster. The panel started off great but the continuing of the Target exclusives really soured it. Ordering from Pulse went well if you were right on it, but Target was the expected disaster it continues to be. And now seeing this case pack really has me questioning who is in charge of the brand.
I can't wait to see the Cobra Island Alley Viper in wave three!
My money is on the Wave 3 Cobra Island Cobra B.A.T.!
On the live stream, I actually laughed out loud when Cecil said something like "can't wait for collectors to start troop building the Cobra Viper". Textbook definition of oblivious.