Super Freak
There are a number of Youtubers that do poor reviews. Many times I was looking for range of movement with the articulation and all they show is that the joint can bend or twist a little, but they make sure to point out that the head or limb can rotate all the way around, as If that's necessary. But my pet peeve is the nauseating too close, out of focus, off camera, unedited fumbling around. I have to stop watching and look away half the time.Sounds a lot like YouTuber erivera94(?) or something like that. From the few Classified videos I could get through, it wasn't very impressive.
Like you, I prefer the reviews to be someone who has a little familiarity at the very least about GIJOE. We live in a "Look at me!" society when everyone is so fixated on being the FIRST to do something, the quality just suffers for it.
Yeah, this could have been handled better. But since Zartan is Top 5 material for me, I will do my best to pick at least 1 of them up for pre-order next month.
I like that this Zartan is in maroon colors and can color change, that's more accurate to the original toy, I only wish the chest and leg armor were transparent. The face plates are nice but it's a bit odd as a disguise being not in different clothes. I'd rather have a Hard & Soft Masters two pack with swap out white eye heads perhaps with a grin to represent Zartan in disguise.
Still the colors are making me want to pick one up.