--Yeah, I get it....just like to jab at those that want their cyan blue-clothed Gung-Ho. To me, it's almost as bad as wanting your superheroes to have classic underoo briefs on the outside of the suit.
Gung-Ho is a good example.
The superheroes underoo briefs right, wrong, and indifferent is a good analogy. That "design visual" was the norm from the 60s, 70s, and 80s and up to a point in the 90s, but since 2000 and beyond the underoos look is "tacky".
Then again look at Wonder Woman. Her original design in the 70s up to 2000 is still more or less the same, but then again I'm of the mindset (i.e., sexist) where her outfit could be skimpier with regards to her briefs and top, but I digress and such discussion can be further had in the appropriate CF section.