Looks like your Target got hit by a part swapper. Looks his belt/sash is also missing. Weird figure to be doing some return swindles with.
That being said, what an incredible figure Serpentor is!! I'll forever be Team CoCo but I have to give Hasbro big props on Serps! ...
Congrats to those who got it or will get it.
To make it hyper realistic to the 80's, break off one of his thumbs. LOL.
Or glue his torso to his waist together. Remember when kids couldn't fix the broken rubber O ring problem, they just super glued the torso to the waist/codpiece?
I remember kids would "Frankenstein" some Joes together with broken parts, especially if they had a dog. Dogs loved to chew on 4 inch Joes . Once you got that little screw out the back, you could assemble a functional Joe out of the still salvageable parts.
There were no high end video games back then, all you had was your imagination. I remember getting some string and making zip lines or using a sheet of plastic and trying to make a parachute.
You just had to play. No worries about groceries, gas prices, career, taxes, in laws, marriages, etc, etc.
God, I really miss those times. I feel bad for kids today who will never understand that era.
Or break off the crotch. I had far more of those than broken thumbs.
I've actually never seen an O-ring figure glued together at the waist. I do recall taking some of mine apart and fixing them with rubber bands or my sister's hair elastics.
I definitely frankensteined figures, but that was more boredom from '88 onwards as I didn't like the new Joe figures. I disassembled almost all of my original Joes and made new figures out of them by swapping parts. As a result, almost none survived my childhood. I think the only ones that ended up surviving were my '85 Snake Eyes and hooded Cobra Commander since I was able to find all of their original parts.
A swapper in my area swapped several Open Window Cobra Commanders. I'll likely get most of my stuff from online orders, not directly retail.Yes, they are virtue signaling and reducing plastic. A swapper's dream. My buddy has already been screwed on multiple ML figures.