Gallery of Horror (photo thread)

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^^^Never get tired of seeing that figure man! :rock

Love the overhead light on him.

Just a suggestion: Try lowering the exposure or ISO. The light is a bit over exposed and you might be able to show off more detail if you tried one of those.

It might mean you will have to use a tripod (if you're not already). :peace
I know this isn't really horror, but I thought they turned out scary enough to post here:







I know this isn't really horror, but I thought they turned out scary enough to post here:








These are awesome Maglor. Totally fitting for here I think. :clap

Thanks for the tips on my pics. I am still learning all the new features on this new bad boy. I actually took those shots holding a light over him with one hand while holding the camera steady with the other. I am going to be picking up a tripod after the holidays.
I often will be holding the light source in my pics. But a tripod is a must. :exactly:
I often will be holding the light source in my pics. But a tripod is a must. :exactly:

What would you suggest for the ISO on a pic like what I did or even the pics you just posted? All the auto settings have it at 100 to start with or just set to "auto". I think the shots I took were 100.
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The lowest mine goes is 100. Lower would be nice though.

I may have set the exposure to less than the mid mark (-1 EV).

Also, a big part of it is using low light.

And there is no way I could have taken those pics without a tripod. With really low light like that it makes the shutter stay open longer, which means blur if you move at all. So I always use a tripod and set a timer for 10 seconds so that the camera is totally still when the shutter opens.
The lowest mine goes is 100. Lower would be nice though.

I may have set the exposure to less than the mid mark (-1 EV).

Also, a big part of it is using low light.

And there is no way I could have taken those pics without a tripod. With really low light like that it makes the shutter stay open longer, which means blur if you move at all. So I always use a tripod and set a timer for 10 seconds so that the camera is totally still when the shutter opens.

Point taken. Thanks for info. I will be getting that tripod real soon. I'm heading out now to see family. To everyone who see this post, Happy Holidays!!
It's just from Alex Ross Justice League Series 6.


Probably the coolest Scarecrow I own though.
wish it was 1:6. i miss doing light painting, FUN in the dark it sure is. putting it on my new year's things to do list.:lol
low light photography...light painting with my figures, specially horror/spooky ones. dark room, 20-30 second shutter speeds, a penlight...
Not light painting, but great lighting none-the-less. :clap

tenks. :]
just curious, what do you call to the technique i did i use on snake eyes?:confused:
(low shutter, penlight selective exposure/dancing penlight:dunno, in a dark room.)
*i'm still a noob with my photography hobby.:(
tenks. :]
just curious, what do you call to the technique i did i use on snake eyes?:confused:
(low shutter, penlight selective exposure/dancing penlight:dunno, in a dark room.)
*i'm still a noob with my photography hobby.:(

Sounds good to me! :exactly:

Spoiler Spoiler:
There,s some amazing pic,s here and with being a huge horror fan,
i wanted to post a couple myself of my patient zero lifesize bust.
hope you enjoy!!



