metal gear solid
mgs2 sol
re1 - re3
splinter cell
silent hill 1
red dead redemption
shadow of the colossus

metal gear solid
mgs2 sol
re1 - re3
splinter cell
silent hill 1
red dead redemption
shadow of the colossus
I think I saw somewhere that Red Dead might be remastered for 2015. Probably a new IP or sequel in 2016.
Oh, if we never get an Onimusha remake I'd like an HD collection released.
Onimusha... a great series that died for Capcom's stupidity...
I completed the first 2 games in that series & quite enjoyed them both. I didn't get to play part 3 because my PS2 had already died at the time of Onimusha 3s release. I was truly gutted to not be able to play it because I really wanted to play a game featuring Jean Reno.
lol!!! they sure were powerhouse back in the 90s. I'm not sure where they lost their way, but I'm honestly surprised they're still surviving with what they've done to the Resident Evil games.
I really hope that we're not saying that about Resident Evil & Devil May Cry anytime soon. Both franchises are certainly heading in that direction as they stand right now
I completed the first 2 games in that series & quite enjoyed them both. I didn't get to play part 3 because my PS2 had already died at the time of Onimusha 3s release. I was truly gutted to not be able to play it because I really wanted to play a game featuring Jean Reno.
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Metal Gear Solid (W/ David Hayter as Solid Snake)
Jurassic Park:Operation Genesis
Syphon Filter
Resident Evil as a whole. Doesn't really need much explanation
Resident Evil Outbreak 3
Final Fantasy VII (After Advent Children)
Devil May Cry (W/ Reubon Langdon as Dante)
Read Dead Redemption
The Last of Us
I'm sure there are others I'd like, but it's all I could think of right now.
I wish the Tenchu series made a return.
That is another classic PS1 game that I played the hell out of. The last one I played was on the 360, and I thought it was very good. I'd be interested in playing another one with updated controls/visuals.
- Final Fantasy 6
- Assassin's Creed
- Star Wars: KOTOR
- Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
- Dino Crisis
- Resident Evil
- Jak 4
- Valkyria Chronicles 4
- Timesplitters 4
- The Darkness 3
- Siren 4